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Old 04-21-2012
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MaadDaawg MaadDaawg is offline
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I had two girls, and DOM my brother, I pity you ... you poor soon to be broken shell of a man

If you stop now it will be 4 females against YOU once they reach puberty. Your house will be saturated with estrogen, and they will gang up to make you miserable, never realizing they are doing it. Females are pack animals, and they know individual males are easy prey... especially when the male can't run away :

I would stop making babies now if I were you Bro. The child's sex is determined by the fathers contribution, and you, like me, seem to be shooting females bullets while your male grenade launcher either remains empty or broken. Go for 6 or 10 kids and you may get lucky, but odds are ... you'll be horribly outnumbered in 10 years or so.. The more girls, the more they'll beat up on you. The only upside is, they will love you to death while they psychologically beat you to a pulp

Then just pray none of them get pregnant in their early teens

So have a wonderful weekend DOM, but run out and buy some condoms first :


Last edited by MaadDaawg; 04-21-2012 at 03:39 AM.
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Old 04-21-2012
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Originally Posted by MaadDaawg View Post
I had two girls, and DOM my brother, I pity you ... you poor soon to be broken shell of a man

If you stop now it will be 4 females against YOU once they reach puberty. Your house will be saturated with estrogen, and they will gang up to make you miserable, never realizing they are doing it. Females are pack animals, and they know individual males are easy prey... especially when the male can't run away :

I would stop making babies now if I were you Bro. The child's sex is determined by the fathers contribution, and you, like me, seem to be shooting females bullets while your male grenade launcher either remains empty or broken. Go for 6 or 10 kids and you may get lucky, but odds are ... you'll be horribly outnumbered in 10 years or so.. The more girls, the more they'll beat up on you. The only upside is, the will love you death while they psychologically beat you to a pulp

Then just pray none of the get pregnant in their early teens

So have a wonderful weekend DOM, but run out and buy some condoms first :
Hey, can't disagree with this.
Although I don't have any kids of my own, I've helped to raise my fair share of them via babysitting for other family members.

Guess I got lucky and learned the 'Easy" way what it's like....
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Old 04-21-2012
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I still might give it one more shot

I already told the wife what's going to happen to them if they disappoint me like that... But I know I'm going to be screwed when there going to want all different cloths and shoes...

But it sucks having girls cuz you know how boys are

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Old 04-21-2012
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Hey Bro.. it ain't just the cloths and all...

Groups of women tend to menstrate at the same time, proven fact. You're gonna have 4 of em raging at you several days out of every month hitting you from every direction at once

I'm tellin ya, 3 was the most I could handle, and you're gonna risk 5


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Old 04-21-2012
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That's why I'm going to have to make my own lil house out back or move out when that happens

And I'm not scared just of getting stressed and getting gray hairs

I'm the youngest of 6 so I like to have a big family

Just don't know where I'm going to put them all

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Old 04-21-2012
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Once you move into the garage there should be plenty of room in the house

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Old 04-21-2012
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What kind of community do you intend to re-build?
tell me your sins and I'll sharpen my knife...(Take me to church)
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Old 04-22-2012
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except for the lack of explatives, that Jeans commercial is pretty close. I remember spending the night in a delivery room before my first daughter was born, and it sounded just like what I'd imagine the holding pens of the Spanish Inquisition sounded like

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Old 04-22-2012
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Originally Posted by DOM View Post
That's why I'm going to have to make my own lil house out back or move out when that happens

And I'm not scared just of getting stressed and getting gray hairs

I'm the youngest of 6 so I like to have a big family

Just don't know where I'm going to put them all

I'm the youngest of seven (only male), They do tend to get bitchy at the same time! Hell I'm 48 I aint started having kids, not after the 75 niece's and nephew's. That make's me a Great Great Great Uncle! I feel older just saying that!
Originally Posted by Splave View Post
I always had 75% full pucker of my asshole from fear of it possibly harming my chip

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Old 04-22-2012
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Woman of the same household or male in common tend to have syncronous menstration cycles. So if you have 3 girlfriends as a young man, they will eventually syncronize their menstration cycles, so I've heard.........
What kind of community do you intend to re-build?
tell me your sins and I'll sharpen my knife...(Take me to church)
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