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Old 11-03-2011
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Originally Posted by Neuromancer View Post
Computer voice is annoying.
lol can't argue with that one

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Old 11-13-2011
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If you haven't seen it, you have to see it. It is scary as all hell

Part 1 is on pay per view now.

The story, written my Ayn Rand decades ago could be based on the events of the past couple years and depicts what a lot of economists are warning about. Also depicts how progressive politicians will make it worse. (don't get pissed, just telling you about the movie)

Story starts in 2016, gas is over $36 bucks a gallon due to chaos in the middle east. There are no more commercial airlines and trains are the only economical way to ship freight.

There are extremely wealthy, and people walking around with their resumes as Vice Presidents on sandwich boards looking for work.

The politicians create laws to make everything more "fair" and destroy jobs and lives by doing so. An elete few business men are approached by an unidentified man in a hat who offers them a country where government doesn't intrude and they inevitably "disappear" as they leave the US.

Prosperous States are penalized to help the less prosperous States.

The main bad guy politician is a dead wringer for Barak Obama in his thinking and way of doing things. Only difference is he's white and overweight.

Want to see where our future is going - see the movie!

My wife actually read the novel and says the movie is true to the novel.

Many liberal organizations went to great lengths to try and stop this movie from being made. It is easy to see why while you are watching it.

Remember, this book was written several decades ago, but could have been fashioned out of today's headlines - scarier than shit man.



Last edited by MaadDaawg; 11-13-2011 at 06:02 AM.
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Old 11-13-2011
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Neuromancer might just be on to something hereNeuromancer might just be on to something here

While I appreciate your Zeal in this current economic downturn, and considering my own proclivity towards Cyberpunk mythos style literature I think you are missing the point of the novel, err movie...

Atlas was a the guy in greek mythology that was sentenced to bear the weight of the world. Statues have him arms up and back holding the planet on his shoulders.

Shrugging (bumping your shoulders up for a second) would shake up the world. But since this is a literary sense and not a literal suggestion, the world survives the event and comes out as strong(er) as/than ever.

In effect a shake up, that betters life.

TBH; I will have to watch the movie because I do not remember the book that well, read it almost 30 years ago, when I was a prolific reader. Now I am mind numbed by Internet and have not even completed Gibson's Burning Chrome series *sigh.

EDIT: Oh, ok. I ddefintiely do not remmber the book well, Just googled the wiki bits. While they do not actively state it is an anti-communist literature... that is what it is. The Bad times are full of "statism" which in Rands timeline meant the big red scare and start of the cold war.

TBH, you dont have to play the socialist card with me, I think Republicans are pretty socialist too. Im a libertarian though. I think the feds are there to prevent states from going crazy with laws. And run the military.
"Don't You understand? This is Greek to me! Except I spek Greek, this is like Aramaic to me, and not the Western Dialect I can read a little." - Dr. Walter Bishop

Special relativity is not "Eat Two Big Macs."

Last edited by Neuromancer; 11-13-2011 at 03:38 PM.
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Old 11-14-2011
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Being of Greek decent, I'm aware of Atlas and carrying the world etc.

I think you have your libertarian credentials a little skewed, as libertarians believe the Federal government should have little to no rold in running the country - which, of course, is the job of the states (at least per the Constitution). The Fed can only perform those duties as strictly outlined in the Constitution, which includes running the military, but has nothing to do with dictating social polices to the states.

Your definition leads to the Federal Government restricting the rights of some for the good of the many, which is, no offense, the main tenant of socialism.

My wife read the book and she says the movie is loyal to the book. Her interpretation of the book was that it promoted self determination with the Federal Government staying as much out of the picture as possible. Part 1 of the movie depicts crooked politicians conspiring with greedy business men [Edit Added:] to insure that only they win and everyone else gets screwed [End Edit Added]. Something eerily akin to what is currently happening to our economy now. From Hoover, Roosevelt, Johnson, Carter, and now Obama.... pushing for a society that is "fair". I'm telling you, you could take the speech out of the end of the movie and it would sound just like Obama talking

Life ain't fair, and penalizing the successful to take care of less fortunate destroys the foundation that Capatalism is based on. This coming from a guy who's been unemployed for a year (don't even THINK of touching my unemployment pay : )

Part II isn't out until Fall of 2012 so as soon as I finish the book I'm reading now I'm going to read Atlas Shrugged. If you read it too, we could have an online debate


Last edited by MaadDaawg; 11-14-2011 at 12:08 PM.
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Old 11-14-2011
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Neuromancer might just be on to something hereNeuromancer might just be on to something here

Originally Posted by MaadDaawg View Post
Being of Greek decent, I'm aware of Atlas and carrying the world etc.

I think you have your libertarian credentials a little skewed, as libertarians believe the Federal government should have little to no rold in running the country - which, of course, is the job of the states (at least per the Constitution). The Fed can only perform those duties as strictly outlined in the Constitution, which includes running the military, but has nothing to do with dictating social polices to the states.
I did not want to presume anything about your knowledge of mythology

But my understanding of libertarian is identical to yours, so not sure why you think its skewed. Yes the individual states will be responsible for the day to day, but the fed government does still exist to make sure universal truths are upheld (IE the constitution)
"Don't You understand? This is Greek to me! Except I spek Greek, this is like Aramaic to me, and not the Western Dialect I can read a little." - Dr. Walter Bishop

Special relativity is not "Eat Two Big Macs."
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Old 11-14-2011
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MD, read Faith of the Fallen by Terry Goodkind. Very Ayn Rand-ish, without the boring.

It exists!
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Old 11-15-2011
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A good 60 minutes episode. Could have been part of Atlas Shrugged - crooked politicians and businessmen/women. except, this is real life. Gotta watch the movie that's embedded in the web page


Patch, I'll read your book, but first I gotta read Atlas Shrugged so I can see for myself how it tracks in the movie. Besides, can't wait until Fall of 2012 to find out how it ends

Neuromancer, smart man - I don't know shit about Greek mythology :

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Old 12-15-2011
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Short the Euro, while you can


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Old 12-15-2011
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I'm starting to buy art I like to supplement long term plans and spread eggs to some different baskets. I want something I can see and hold and I don't like gold enough to risk hopping on an expanding bubble.

Trying to acquire the original paintings of cover art to paperbacks I loved as a kid. Man, I wish I could afford a nice Frazetta......

Figure I can enjoy them for the next 30 years, then sell to help fund retirement. If they're worthless at that time then anywhere else I put my money probably will be too. Ammo and seeds will be the new currency.

It exists!
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Old 12-15-2011
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Originally Posted by Patch View Post
Ammo and seeds will be the new currency.

I have few hundred comic books that are from the early to late 70's if you like comic art. Also have most of the first five years of Omni Magazine, which was avante garde art.

Don't forget to insure your art in case of fire

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