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Old 05-02-2011
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If that be the concensus Splave then I truly wish his head was on a pike in front of the WhiteHouse.

For George : To help you understand the mindset of some of us I will give you this...I believe in meeting violence with extreme violence. It is the one language that is universally understood. It is the only way one can overcome circumstance's at times. You can go back to biblical lore and find just these sentiments. Make them fear you to the extent that in no way would they entertain attacking without certain cause. We as a nation have drifted from this concept and I fear it will be our downfall if not corrected. There are many things this government does that I disagree with, but if they do not return to this basic concept soon we are all doomed.

Last edited by rickss69; 05-02-2011 at 10:07 AM.
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Old 05-02-2011
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Old 05-02-2011
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Last edited by ocgmj; 05-02-2011 at 10:39 AM.
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Old 05-02-2011
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I personally don't see anything wrong with him being treated in Muslim ways once he was already dead. If they were to mutilate and parade his dead body around, it would prove Bin ladens point even more.
Also I would hope that the people have risen above such things as putting peoples heads on spikes.
Can't comment on Obama's speech since I didn't listen.
Violence met with violence makes more violence, so I dunno if that's really the best option.
And I personally think this will only antagonize people even more, resulting in more innocent deaths.

And btw Rick, that's just being a bully, nobody likes a bully. And lots of countries give financial aid etc to others.
It's called being nice, those who are beer off trying to help those who aren't.
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Old 05-02-2011
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Originally Posted by GeorgeStorm View Post
I personally don't see anything wrong with him being treated in Muslim ways once he was already dead. If they were to mutilate and parade his dead body around, it would prove Bin ladens point even more.
Also I would hope that the people have risen above such things as putting peoples heads on spikes.
Can't comment on Obama's speech since I didn't listen.
Violence met with violence makes more violence, so I dunno if that's really the best option.
And I personally think this will only antagonize people even more, resulting in more innocent deaths.

George, the only thing those people understand is violence. There is no reasoning with them. It is all about who can kick who's ass and that's it. It is their culture. In afganistan your manhood is judged by if you own an AK-47 or not. That is 100% true too and was a big problem when we tried dis-arming the people over there. Honestly if we left the middle east they would do our work for us. If they don't have anyone to fight with over there, they will start fighting each other.

And btw Rick, that's just being a bully, nobody likes a bully. And lots of countries give financial aid etc to others.
It's called being nice, those who are beer off trying to help those who aren't.
Part 1 - At the basic level us humans are still animals. There are the strong and the weak. You have alpha males and then there is everyone else. I know that sounds harsh but it is reality.

Part 2 - No that is not called being nice. Me choosing at my descretion to give some of my money to a cause is being nice. My bankrupt government giving away my money for shit I don't agree with is not. Those people made choices that put them in the position they are in. Let them dig their way out. Giving them hand outs only prolongs the problem.

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Old 05-02-2011
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It's only in modern Afghanistan that's true, and continuing the violence isn't going to change that.
And it's interesting you say they'll do your work for you by fighting each other, that implies that you just want to kill them, rather than stop the violence altogether.
I know we are, but some of us can actually control ourselves, that's what separates us from animals, the ability to actually choose not to act like one.
And ok, maybe nice was the wrong word, maybe it's to do with just being human, seeing others in need who are worse off than you, one would hope you have the urge to help them where possible.

And you guys keep moaning at the government, you guys put them where they are. The gov can't please everyone, if it's really that bad, then do something about it rather than just sitting here moaning.

But I'm going to stop, since I'm not an American, so can't really comment.

Last edited by GeorgeStorm; 05-02-2011 at 11:05 AM.
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Old 05-02-2011
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I do help people in need. Just not all of them. What foreign aid does is try to buy loyalty. The problem is we have a bunch of bumbling idiots in charge and they don't have a clue on how to negotiate. The house should always win.

Modern or not, that's how it is. George some ideas and ideaologies sound great on paper, but their best left at the place they begin. They have no practical real world usage. Think socialism/communism. Sitting in a classroom and listening to a professor ramble on about all of it's glory is one thing. Actually applying it and making it work in the real world is another. That's why I say the elightened period is way overdone. We now value intellect with no real world experience, and an understanding of the "law of un-intended consequences", over good common sense. You have idealists and realist. Guess who wins in the long run?

Look at history George. Sure we have this magical thing called reason, but it doesn't always inhibit our animal instincts. You will always have people who will driven to power and/or violence. Intellect doesn't save you from those people. You either gain more power than them or crush them with violence. Option C is to roll over and play dead. We Americans aren't all about rolling over. I guess it is part of our culture dating back to the Revolution.

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Old 05-02-2011
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Old 05-02-2011
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George you have to understand something here. This maggot lead an attack on US that killed 3,000 men, women and children 10 years ago. I believe him dieing was the only acceptable answer to this equation for America. No ifs, ands or buts about it. I can relate to New York celebrating because we had an attack of similar nature here in Oklahoma 16 years ago. No where near the magnitude of the NYC tragedy. Your opinions are welcome here but you need to be careful with this subject as your opinions might and will piss some off and I don't want to see this turned into a bait a switch or bashing other members/countries thread. Also please stay away from generalized comments like "you guys keep moaning at the government" because I haven't moaned one bit at all. Mmmm-kay?

Last edited by DrNip; 05-02-2011 at 12:15 PM.
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Old 05-02-2011
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On a lighter note

nice score George
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