finally have everything ready to roll
trying to keep core under 1.35 for 24/7 gaming
But the best I can muster 4.4
The good news is it is crushing everthing I throw at it and will run everything in the start menu similtaniosly .... passed 20 passes of LinX as well, Huston we have stability
LOL it has been a long time since I have even worried about that ....
Eye candy has to be controlled from the nVCP as the games don't have high enough settings in the menu's
May crank it up to 1.4 core and see where that takes me, 4.6 possibly
mild overclock on the cards as nothing has stresses these things yet
may even load Crysis just to see where the FPS land ............
Grabbing Crysis 2 tonight FTW
Does anyone else despise Steam or is it just me .........
O yea, Check out the new hot rod ROG GPUZ