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DICE & LN2 Cooling If You Have A Pot...

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Old 12-22-2010
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Thres no way you will do all 2d tests with 7 cpus on 30L's bro lol. Pick 2 maybe 3. Fill the pot up slowly LN2 splashes so BE CAREFUL and don't get it in your eyes or on yourself. It burns. and if you can get the Dewar up to where your benching that would be good. You'll be doing alot of running. Like i said before it will take about 2 litrs to get your cpu to around -130. You will fill your pot about 4 times to get there. Depending on how much voltage you're putting into the cpu. Are you tweaking in windows or just in the bios? Better get used to the frustration bro...it coms with the territory. even seasoned benchers get frustrated. lol

cold bug example: If all of a sudden as you're pouring your mouse freezes up and dosnt respond at say for example at -130 but you still have a windows screen you've cold bugged. Then its time to turn off the pc manually. (I like to use the motherboard power switch when i can and not the psu power switch because i dont have to go back into the bios that way) break out the torch and start warming it up. Try restarting it at -100. If it dosn't boot get it to around -90. keep Trying to restart it as you get warmer. It will finaly start back up eventually. Lets say it starts up at -80. This is your cold bug boot temp. Now you know that you can't get colder than -130 and chip has to be at-80 for a restart. Keep a record of the cold bug and cold bug boot temps that way you will know exactly where your temps have to be. Almost every chip is different. Som don't cold bug at al and others cold bug at-80. Its always a mystery with a new chip.

Ferengi rule of acquisition #8: " Small print leads to large risk. "

Last edited by GFDuke; 12-22-2010 at 04:13 PM.
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Old 12-22-2010
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Originally Posted by GFDuke View Post
Thres no way you will do all 2d tests with 7 cpus on 30L's bro lol. Pick 2 maybe 3. Fill the pot. and if you can get the Dewar up to where your benching. You'll be doing alot of running. Like i said before it will take about 2 litrs to get your cpu to around -130. You will fill your pot about 4 times to get there. Depending on how much voltage you're putting into the cpu. Are you tweaking in windows or just in the bios? Better get used to the frustration bro...it coms with the territory. even seasoned benchers get frustrated. lol

cold bug example: If all of a sudden as you're pouring your mouse freezes up and dosnt respond at say for example at -130 but you still have a windows screen you've cold bugged. Then its time to turn off the pc manually. (I like to use the motherboard power switch when i can and not the psu power switch because i dont have to go back into the bios that way) break out the torch and start warming it up. Try restarting it at -100. If it dosn't boot get it to around -90. keep Trying to restart it as you get warmer. It will finaly start back up eventually. Lets say it starts up at -80. This is your cold bug boot temp. Now you know that you can't get colder than -130 and chip has to be at-80 for a restart. Keep a record of the cold bug and cold bug boot temps that way you will know exactly where your temps have to be. Almost eveery chip is different.
OK. I'm only doing 6 of 7 tests unless I can download pcmark05 somewhere. Doing some figuring beforehand will make it easier to figure out FSB/multis for each chip. I'm doing a little tweaking in Windows, just stopping things that use memory. I'm overclocking in BIOS and then via software above a certain point. Do you suggest increasing the voltage a little at a time or just give it 1.8+ and go for it? And I thought keeping it outside would be a good idea for preservation sake, but if it won't make shit for difference then I'll carry it right upstairs.

Has anyone ever tried using a heatgun instead of a torch?

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Last edited by ny_driver; 12-22-2010 at 04:16 PM.
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Old 12-22-2010
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id rather remove that plastic cover...

edit..lol ninja posts
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Old 12-22-2010
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Heatgun wont do it. It would be to slow and you'll lose alot of time. and i agree with HC that pouring spout will most likely get frosted and clog up.
Keeping LN2 outside wont make a difference at all.

lmao ya Ninja posting.

Ferengi rule of acquisition #8: " Small print leads to large risk. "

Last edited by GFDuke; 12-22-2010 at 04:24 PM.
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Old 12-22-2010
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Ok that makes life easier. I'll bring the 30 right upstairs and have two 1 liter thermoses to use so I'll have to open and pour less often. I need to get a nice funnel for pouring into the thermos.

EDIT: when it gets too cold, point the torch right in the pot huh?

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Last edited by ny_driver; 12-22-2010 at 04:34 PM.
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Old 12-22-2010
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Yup aim for the bottom. I tried a funnel once..it didnt work out for me. I think you'll find pouring right into the thermos will be easier. But everyones different. What ever works for you.

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Old 12-22-2010
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you can boot the pc with the pot mounted or not.

observe the pot while empty. its boring its not moving lol

splash or pour ln2 just a spoonful observe.

then observe some more...then pour some more....

if it freezes you've found a bug...a cold bug. note it down.

don't torch when it cold bugs. observe. maybe its gone after a few temp increase.

take note of frost buildup...if they build up and melt..its a puddle of water.

this is just 0.05% of my experience lol
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Old 12-22-2010
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Plz dont confuse him.

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Old 12-22-2010
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I understand what both of you are saying and how they can go hand in hand. I must exercise patience, and have lots of towels on hand for when I do need to torch, but I don't want to torch unnecessarily.

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Last edited by ny_driver; 12-22-2010 at 05:18 PM.
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Old 12-22-2010
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if your benching newer amd stuff, get the pot the -190 and enjoy no cb or cbb.
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