LN2 burns can cause skin cancer, so buy gloves or if ur not rich buy welding gloves to handle it.
cryogenic materials are so cold when they flash freeze skin cells it will break part of the DNA sequence and because of the nature of cryo flash freeze and thaw the cell will survive and begin replicating as a mutated cell AKA 5 or 10 years later u got skin cancer :(
my recommendation after using LN2 for nearly 10 years, wear long sleeved shirt, gloves when filling dewar or filling flasks, wear jeans, and full coverage shoes. in a building just open a window and you wont die.
also dont ever shoot or knock over a pressurized LN2 tank while indoors or standing at even a moderate distance a 180L dewar will take out your house if it cascades due to rapid decompression of being introduced to the vessels vacuum. if some dumbass pushes the glass-pack tank over it most likely will be the first and last time he does it