Look around for used ones. They should have the copper bottom, alum tube design, be big Dia. and tall.
Copper tubes are not really needed in DICE and just add extra expense.
What you want for the base is to hold a fair amount acetone as that is the medium that absorbs the heat. The pot should also be tall to help control spray and foam so it doesnt get all over the place.
The biggest mistake I see people do with DICE is fill the pot up with big chuncks of DICE. You end up with big pieces of DICE up high in teh tube and not touching the acetone forcing you to have keep pushing it down or breaking it up.
Far better to bust that stuff up into powder. You will get much better control of temps and not have to keep stiring up the DICE mix.
I have used the standard F1 with DICE and it simply is to small for good operation. If its hard to keep the pot at max temps then the pot is wrong.
These things are tools to use for cooling, just as there are better water cooling blocks the same holds true for LN2/DICE pots.
The Phantom pot is an excelent pot for DICE if it has the Alum tube. Why... It's large and that keeps a fair amount of acetone in the base area. Its has a large Dia and tall tube which makes it easy to add DICE and control the spray and foam issues. The base design does just what it does with LN2, moves teh cooling medium around, has a huge surface area and huge number of sharp edges for transfer of heat into the medium.
I have no clue why Gom said the F1EE should be nervious, its a very bad comparision and perhaps just a marketing jab. I think there is more going on in the background than is being told, well I know there is, but don't want to get into all that here. The people in the know can speak for themselves.
This is an example of a good DICE pot.