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Old 07-22-2009
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Originally Posted by Kal-EL View Post

SuperPI32m contest almost ready for launch
I think there ready supes.
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Old 07-22-2009
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Buying $3000 in hardware to sacrifice for some boints (which are worthless imo) takes huge balls. I've done it, splave has done it...most of us have. As a majority, and I mean this with no disrespect, we the ones that pay for EVERYTHING have a right to complain about unfair advantages. ES, crappy or not do not FULLY represent the final product therefore they shouldn't be classed on the bot as the same.
Rockin the AMD...: P

Gutterz: He laid the sausage on it , but this wasnt an SS
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Old 07-22-2009
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My 2cents....
I commend Supes for having an entirely unique and refreshing perspective to making a name in the oc world.

3oh6, each of us have a different level of interest and viewpoints about this subject for sure. If you do something because it sustains you, its a job. If you do something because you love it, its a hobby or passion. If what you do provides both, your a lucky man. If that something is oc'n, then your a pro....and obviously operate within an environment that has way more advantages to aquiring boints than the rest of us.....not the most level playing field if you ask me, but se la vi.
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Old 07-22-2009
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Originally Posted by 3oh6 View Post

your definition of free and mine must be completely different. working my ass off, sacrificing everything from work to life to love, giving up on numerous other hobbies i enjoy, sleeping next to nothing for weeks/months on end, not eating properly at times because i can't afford food, not buying new clothes, shoes, entertainment...is not free in my definition of the word.

i'm sorry but suggesting that i receive anything free is a joke and truly outlines your lack of knowledge as to what goes into a computer hardware review. i don't fault you for it, but please try to understand what you are implying with statements like that. don't get me wrong, i am not complaining about all those sacrifices, if i was, i simply wouldn't continue to do it. and yes i enjoy doing what i do, and why i make the sacrifices i do, but i sure as hell don't get anything free...anything.

heck, i got the F1EE today from Vince, it was "free"...or was it? ask anyone who put in time and effort to compete in the 01 low clock challenge if they had won the competition if the prize would have been free? something tells me that is a unanimous NO vote.
Free as in you didnt have to spend money on the 975 ES, yes that is free. I understand you work hard, I understand you obviously have skillz to pay the billz, you just sound so bitter and self loathing in your posts. You love computers, and you love tweaking them whats better than getting free stuff to review etc.

Is it really that bad man? To mess around and bench 01 and win a sick prize?
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Old 07-22-2009
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Originally Posted by ReverendMaynard View Post
Buying $3000 in hardware to sacrifice for some boints (which are worthless imo) takes huge balls. I've done it, splave has done it...most of us have. As a majority, and I mean this with no disrespect, we the ones that pay for EVERYTHING have a right to complain about unfair advantages. ES, crappy or not do not FULLY represent the final product therefore they shouldn't be classed on the bot as the same.
Originally Posted by RomDominance View Post
My 2cents....
I commend Supes for having an entirely unique and refreshing perspective to making a name in the oc world.

3oh6, each of us have a different level of interest and viewpoints about this subject for sure. If you do something because it sustains you, its a job. If you do something because you love it, its a hobby or passion. If what you do provides both, your a lucky man. If that something is oc'n, then your a pro....and obviously operate within an environment that has way more advantages to aquiring boints than the rest of us.....not the most level playing field if you ask me, but se la vi.

There are many perspectives on ES, some include bot comparisons, leagues, level playin fields, sanctioned contests, hobby benching, revenue generating reviews, etc.

Its easy to cross over between the different subject matters and perspectives. Everyone's goals are different and the venue's different. The bot has its work cut out to address all these concerns from a bot-whore perspective.
__________________________________________________ ______

Something that I mentioned to a few people is.........
Why in the world doesnt North America have its own version of an "Hwbot" type
database? We have some of the best coders on teh planet. How hard would it be
to garner the support of Microsoft, Intel, AMD, Nvidia, etc to band together in a
co-op to provide an un-biased code developement to facilitate a database of this
magnatude and support it? The benefits to all these companies in the way of research
and developement, the double edged sword of product performance publicity, and the
generation of new interest and buying power of new enthusiasts are astounding.

What kind of community do you intend to re-build?
tell me your sins and I'll sharpen my knife...(Take me to church)
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Old 07-22-2009
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Are we witnessing a revolution? A North American Hwbot would be killer! Great idea Kal...when you firing it up? ohcrap
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Old 07-22-2009
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One possitive to unfair chips, it makes us work harder to beat them
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Old 07-22-2009
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Originally Posted by rickss69 View Post
Are we witnessing a revolution? A North American Hwbot would be killer! Great idea Kal...when you firing it up? ohcrap
I'll have to co-ordinate my many endless contacts in the industry first. Actually I was gonna ask RichBastard if he'd license his engine to use on this forum/website but changed my mind.

And wouldnt u know it, the internet connection is down in my area. Good thing I got the work laptop that has a different connection, slow as it is. to_keep_order
What kind of community do you intend to re-build?
tell me your sins and I'll sharpen my knife...(Take me to church)
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Old 07-22-2009
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Did the coconuts hit the fiber line again?
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Old 07-22-2009
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Originally Posted by 3oh6 View Post

heck, i got the F1EE today from Vince, it was "free"...or was it? ask anyone who put in time and effort to compete in the 01 low clock challenge if they had won the competition if the prize would have been free? something tells me that is a unanimous NO vote.
Yes if you did not send in cash then the pot was free. If you are not paying for hardware then yes it is free someone is giving it to you. I do commend you for the additional time you put in for the hardware and the excellent write ups.
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