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Old 07-17-2011
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DrNip might just be on to something hereDrNip might just be on to something here

How about this. Run any platform, any bench. The person with the most participation, or maybe progression or even random drawing wins. That way it doesn't matter how big, bad, what cooling or much money you have spent. Anyone can win. I guarantee you'll get more participation this way not to mention anyone can compete. If anything limit the contest to either 2D or 3D or even to just one bench. Still keep a leader board just so we can see who and what is being benched. Comments?

Last edited by DrNip; 07-17-2011 at 06:10 AM.
Old 07-17-2011
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Neuromancer might just be on to something hereNeuromancer might just be on to something here

Ability to bench any platform would definitely fit more people. However, how to accurately gauge participation or progression?

Drawing randomly from participants does not push anyone to do better (although, quite a few of the guys here will push anyway )

I need to get my mitts on a working board or figure out how to get this EVGA p67 FTW to post :S
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Old 07-17-2011
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DrNip might just be on to something hereDrNip might just be on to something here

I am pretty sure we will push ourselves and others. My idea is just to get people to bench and as many as possible. The problem right now is we have hit a slump where not as many are benching of lately. Create a contest where all can bench and I guarantee it will be better. I don't care if it is on air, water, snow, ice, dice, ln2, bacon grease or homebrew let alone slow, fast just bench damn it!

Last edited by DrNip; 07-17-2011 at 06:38 AM.
Old 07-17-2011
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Originally Posted by DrNip View Post
How about this. Run any platform, any bench. The person with the most participation, or maybe progression or even random drawing wins. That way it doesn't matter how big, bad, what cooling or much money you have spent. Anyone can win. I guarantee you'll get more participation this way not to mention anyone can compete. If anything limit the contest to either 2D or 3D or even to just one bench. Still keep a leader board just so we can see who and what is being benched. Comments?
Any single CPU platform, any single GPU card - all benches with total score of best run in each bench determining the winner. Question would be do we limit it to air, water, or open to anything (LN2). Some don't have LN2 while most SHOULD have at least water avalable.

If it is limited to only 1 bench, we can pretty much determine who will win before the contest even begins. by spreading it across all benches adds a little more fairness IMO. So 3Dmark, 01,03,06,vantage,11 - 7 is a PITA.

Maybe even a category for air, one for water, and one for extreme ??

Old 07-17-2011
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If there were to be a cooling class I believe it should only be air as everyone can do air. You start to do extreme cooling it kicks many out of the car. I would like to participate and anything past air I'm out. Also if you were to go by the fastest score be it in 2D, 3D or a combination we can already pick who the people are that would win. It's a no brainer, it would be whoever has the best CPU/GPU. That is why I suggested it be by participation, progression or random drawing. Opens it up to the masses and anyone can win.

Last edited by DrNip; 07-17-2011 at 06:46 AM.
Old 07-17-2011
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Originally Posted by DrNip View Post
I'm fully aware of that but lets be realistic. The majority have sandybridge while it appears two that have posted in this thread don't. What would make a better contest catering to the majority or the couple? I wish there was a contest that could make everyone happy as well as everyone compete. There is nothing more than I would like to see than an AMD contest here. If and when there is one count me in.
You can make me the 3rd AMD user to post up.
Had a thought while reading through this.

If it's feasable, perhaps it could be done with AMD and Intel in seperate "classes", listings, whatever; the restrictions for each to be decided if that's a good idea.

This way the Intel guys won't be forced to accomidate things for the AMD's and the AMD's themselves can compete.

ADDITIONAL: I'm one of those that doesn't have access to LN2 cooling as Maaddaawg pointed out but I do have watercooling.
I'd hate to see those forced to run on air alone burn something up this time of year if you're in the northern hemisphere so I'd have to vote to at least allow watercooling.

Last edited by Bones; 07-17-2011 at 06:52 AM.
Old 07-17-2011
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DrNip might just be on to something hereDrNip might just be on to something here

Understandable on the air/water cooling being allowed. I'm in the south here with temps of 100+ everyday for around 30 days or so! I just would hate to see this contest fall victim to the who has the fastest hardware on LN2.

Last edited by DrNip; 07-17-2011 at 06:55 AM.
Old 07-17-2011
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Originally Posted by DrNip View Post
Understandable on the air/water cooling being allowed. I'm in the south here with temps of 100+ everyday for around 30 days or so!
In the same boat here as you can see.
Old 07-17-2011
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Originally Posted by DrNip View Post
If there were to be a cooling class I believe it should only be air as everyone can do air. You start to do extreme cooling it kicks many out of the car. I would like to participate and anything past air I'm out. Also if you were to go by the fastest score be it in 2D, 3D or a combination we can already pick who the people are that would win. It's a no brainer, it would be whoever has the best CPU/GPU. That is why I suggested it be by participation, progression or random drawing. Opens it up to the masses and anyone can win.
right said doktor
LN2/DICE will limit the contest to a handful people...
Old 07-17-2011
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Contests are............confounding
Trust me

BUT! You gotta make do with what feasible, not everyone will be happy with whatever the final parameters are, so I say just do whatever cuz A contest is better than NO contest.
What kind of community do you intend to re-build?
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