I can see mapp gas burning the metals in an anodized layer and creating an interesting color flame. Heck, have you ever stuck copper or brass or aluminum even in a bonfire? You get some unusual colored flames (green is the one i see most). Burning metal salts is how fireworks work after all, and some used in the anodizing process are the same ones being burnt in fireworks. Heat that stuff up and it makes perfect sense this could happen, and probably ain't that great to breat.
I mean absolutely no offense by this but shouldn't the room and workspace be ventilated enough that anything like that would leave the area before causing any harm? Not quite the same reason you vent for the nitrogen gas, but the nitrogen alone is reason you should be ventilating well. If others haven't experienced perhaps they actually did have better ventilation, didn't notice it due to the fan configurations they had going, even just around the board, and it didn't cause any problems. I see anodizing the metal as pointless and purely aesthetic but maybe I'm wrong. But i'll shutup as i have a very expensive pot that has never been used, though i did take a torch to it once just to prove to myself i could do it to such a beautiful object.
Last edited by lesstutrey; 09-15-2011 at 01:46 PM.