Did a little upgrading. Bought the new
MSI X58A-GD65 X58 SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 Mobo
Military class w/ onboard USB 3.0 & SATA 6Gb/s but just wasn't satisfied with it. It's on its way back. Should have stuck with my 1st choice, the EVGA FTW 3 but after my experience with EVGA on the micro Mobo side I was kinda scared too. What can ya do. I will have the FTW 3 in the end. My current mobo only has 4 sata 2 ports which is a drag. Kinda sick of the Sata 3 hype and going to go with 4 Muskin Callisto's for my rig as I am really impressed with them. Prolly throw this Crucial C300 in the HTPC and take the two Muskin's out of it and pick up two more and I should be cooking by then.
Picked up a EVGA 460 GTX and will pick up another one in a week of two.
Also going to be downgrading to a 750 w PSU. One of those new Corsair Gold editions when they drop. 850 watts is too much for my rig.
Stay tuned for the next episode....