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DICE & LN2 Cooling If You Have A Pot...

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Old 01-21-2010
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lol no, sorry Buckeye.. I suspect your temps are significantly below that with that Phantom of yours ... I am SO envious, but then, I'd cold bug out faster than you could say.. umm.. cold bug?

Was asking Assassin, in his YouTube videos he was looking to hold the temps at around -80C, and was pretty successful with it.

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Old 01-21-2010
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Its not that hard to hold a given temp.

What I suspect that he was doing was one of two things, the CPU cold bugged not to far from that, or he didn't want to go colder to show that it fell apart with load handling.

Alum tubes and LN2 do not mix all that well when trying to hold temps. It will transfer the cold very quickly and then blast back to the heat load, or a extremely high swing compared to masive copper pots. The main reason why you don't see any LN2 pots made out of Alum.

Instead they use a copper base and then a Alum tube to save costs and it becomes very hard to machine the inside of the pot when its all one piece with a long tube.

The Koolance Rev2 pot is 3.4" in Dia., thats about the size of the F1 accross its square. It is 6.7" tall vs 5" for the F1. The copper base looks to be about 1.5" - 2" so its not very massive compared to F1 which is about 2.5" of solid copper with the holes in the base part or chamber.

I am not trying to say that it will not work with LN2, it will, but it looks better suited for DICE.

The price point of the Koolance pot is good for some one just starting out with DICE/LN2 and CPU's with warm CB's. It will simply fall apart with no CB AMD chips tho., and I suspect at temps colder than -100c

It would be interesting to see how this pot compares to an F1 with extender tube
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Old 01-21-2010
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I don't have the knowledge base you do bro, but my thoughts on the height of the base were pretty close to what you just said. Been looking at the F1 and a Alum extension for awhile but can't get myself to pull the trigger :( Would think the bigger copper block would have to work in favor of the F1. But then, I'm running Intel not AMD ???

Any idea where an i7 975 CBs out?

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Old 01-21-2010
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Originally Posted by MaadDaawg View Post
I don't have the knowledge base you do bro, but my thoughts on the height of the base were pretty close to what you just said. Been looking at the F1 and a Alum extension for awhile but can't get myself to pull the trigger :( Would think the bigger copper block would have to work in favor of the F1. But then, I'm running Intel not AMD ???

Any idea where an i7 975 CBs out?
The CB is going to vary from chip to chip. Same thing for the CBB. Bill can answer this better than me, but I think CBB can vary widely from BIOS to BIOS and mobo to mobo.

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Old 01-21-2010
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Originally Posted by Chuchnit View Post
The CB is going to vary from chip to chip. Same thing for the CBB. Bill can answer this better than me, but I think CBB can vary widely from BIOS to BIOS and mobo to mobo.
cb will not only vary from cpu to cpu but you will find that certain boards will have a cold bug of a certain temp, or better yet a COLD BOOT issue....

For example the P55 classified with a clarkdale has almost no cold boot/bug issues whereas every other manufacturer/board is having issues with cold issues

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Originally Posted by Gunslinger View Post
You mean you don't have one of the uber secret 6.6GHz Gulftown pots?
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Old 01-21-2010
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Yeah the 920 D0 I had could run at -130c tho. -110c seemed to be where it liked to run at.

NordicJedi came over with his 920 D0 that ran great on Air but cold bugged at -30c. No cooling I had would have worked with it, except just small amounts of LN2 which was a total waste
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Old 01-21-2010
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Originally Posted by MaadDaawg View Post

An old friend of mine is a VP at Airgas in Calif, he called on my behalf and they'll give me the 160 litres of LN2 for $62.50, which is a lot cheaper than they quoted me before I got the "friends and family" discount So rental of 45/mo and deliver of 25 bucks gets to over $100 - so it'll only be worth it if one refill lasts several months.. which prolly won't be the case
Those big dewars are pressurized (because they haev a withdrawal system) and have a HUGE static loss compared to a lidded container. If you didnt use the 160L at all it would last ~10 days maybe a little longer. Probably no more than 2 weeks though. On the other hand a dewar like my taylor wharton with a foam lid has held 10 Liters for almost 2 months
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Old 01-21-2010
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That is so ture, also depending on the age and abuse the Dewar has had it might go faster.

Again back when I had the 160L low pressure Dewar here it was in the heat of the summer, it vented all the freaking time. The larger 230L was a high pressure Dewar and it was some what better.
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Old 01-21-2010
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I asked the guy about evaporation rates and he said about 1% a day, which sounded a little strange cause we talked about the pressure build up and auto venting. I think I'd have to use it constantly to prevent venting, and, much as I might like to, reality would prevent it lol Didn't realize 10 days was about all I'd get

Still hoping to find a smaller dewar and then get him to give me the sweet price per litre he gave me today for the big one.. anyone got any leads let me know..... please

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Old 01-21-2010
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Yeah it can go pretty fast. How ever newer Dewars should be good to go, but these things get pretty beat up.

If you do get a big one make sure you get a hose and defuser. No defuser will equal a lot of gas and will waste a ton of liquid.


Here is the 160L which did not have a defuser on it, freaking Airgas here goes... oh we dont have those, you will have to buy one. I said screw you guys I am not getting anymore from you, so the next 230L magicly had one

Cpt. Cool Himself here Guarding the Dewar with his really Mean Looking Face. I actually had to tip him to let me get any LN2 out.
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