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Old 12-23-2009
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i am not sure i should say this or not but...
i am the type of guy that's not scared of pushing it a little bit too extreme
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Old 12-29-2009
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I fear the Bot has undone us all


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Old 12-29-2009
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Hey CP's this bites man ....

I can not speak for my team mates at NBOC But I think the new bot blows

This is not the way I and many of my team mates wanted it to be,

We all looked forward to competing with you day in and day for years to come as many may not agree but I think we made each other better by pushing the envelope and keeping each other on our toes everyday ....

It was a great ride and it will be a shame to see it end like this ......

We need a new place to bench that is weighted fairly for everyone ...... but where?

Anybody know another place to go ???
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Old 12-29-2009
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End of the world?
What kind of community do you intend to re-build?
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Old 12-29-2009
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Ironically the bot responded to this thread itself, and I quote ""
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Old 12-29-2009
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Though I was not into too much of old school benching but I have around 230 hardware points in rev2, and now with rev3, though 95% of my submissions took a major beating but 5% of hardware which got good ranking in popular category pulled the tally to pretty close to where I was, so I guess all you guyz have to do is use the new revision a bit more differently and intelligently and your team will be back to where you were.......

Now if you are really interested in overclocking and are competitive then I hope you guyz will continue on......

Originally Posted by Witchdoctor View Post
Hey CP's this bites man ....

I can not speak for my team mates at NBOC But I think the new bot blows

This is not the way I and many of my team mates wanted it to be,

We all looked forward to competing with you day in and day for years to come as many may not agree but I think we made each other better by pushing the envelope and keeping each other on our toes everyday ....

It was a great ride and it will be a shame to see it end like this ......

We need a new place to bench that is weighted fairly for everyone ...... but where?

Anybody know another place to go ???
EVGA Classified (MSI Pro-E, MSI Eclipse, DFI DK45 T2RS Plus, Foxconn Mars), Core i7 980 (Core i5 680, Core i7 950 Intel E8600, Intel QX9650, Intel Core2 Duo E8400), Thermalright Venomous X(CoolerMaster AquaGate mini R80), GSkill Trident 1600Mhz CL6 (GSkill 6400 2 x 1 GB @ 1260Mhz) , MSI GTX 580 (EVGA GTX 295, Asus 4870 x2, EVGA 9800GX2, Visiontek 3870 x2, XFX 8800GT), DELL E248WFP Monitor, Stacker 830 Nvidia Ed., CoolerMaster Real Power Pro 850W, Altec Lansing 641 400 RMS Watts with Auzentech X-Plosion, 1TB + 500 GB + 500GB HDDs
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Old 12-30-2009
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Thumbs down Look at this, I stubbed my toe getting on this box!

You guys should gather together and make you're voices heard over on the Hwbot forum. It's the only way to effectuate change on this planet. Ban together and be heard. Nobody can hear you on you're home forums but you're teams.

Me, I don't give a frog's ass either way, I compete in whatever I choose to compete in, and with or without the bot point system, I still go over there and pick a rabbit to chase and I chase that fucker as best as I can till I catchem, then I pick another rabbit. I don't pick a snail and hope not to catch the attention of other snails. Nor do I try to supplement my diet with snails in an effort to make my rabbit appear more Jackish. Both ways cost a shitload of money. Competitive overclocking costs money, OFTEN!

A hundred $20 cpu's is still $2,000 bucks so that piss poor thing argument doesn't fly with me. If you're competing with the global hot-rodders with obvious money to burn, you're gonna spend money in either direction direction you go.....

And cooling????? Just about everyone finds a way to get there shit cooler than the next guy. Some guys are willing to go extreme extreme while others modify a/c units or drown their radiators in ice baths. I've done it all for the glory of competing with my dear brother spfoam1 and others, all the while getting hosed by Cascade, Single Stage and Liquid Nitrogen freeks. Only recently have I delved into the waters of LN2/Dice. You simply can't overclock with the Holy Spirit and be competitive, no matter how old/new your shit is.

For the Classic Platforms type of overclockers, I've never been pissed off at your hardware achievements or your hoard of hardware points. But I also don't agree that they should be limitless on the team level either. I can't be bothered nor do I have an interest to go back in the delorian and pick up a hundred punch card processors from the original NORAD complex. I'm all for fostering the fever and I'm an advocate for it on all levels. My thing was, individually the hwbot Overclocker's Leaugue has people's hardware scores capped off at 300 points. SO for continuity's sake I feel the Team League's should have followed suit, less we all be forced to compete as Hardware Grinder's. Option "C" which is what I woulda preferred, is recognizing the grinder's by having a Grinder's League where all the hot shot hardware grinder's were recognized and ranked based on hardware boints. Same with the Team's, you're team can choose to compete as Globe Trotters or Tech-Junkie's.
You cannot expect Jackfruit Junior to walk into Jackfruit Senior's office, pull down his pants and have more fuzz than Senior does. Nor can you expect Senior to have a higher sperm count. Get it?

So are there differing opinions? Hell yah. Should we let it ruin our pasion for whatever category we place ourselves into? Hell no. I have a tremendous amount of respect for those hardware nuts and their vast collection of hardware and hardware knowledge. I just don't have any interest to follow that path.

We won't know what the final version of Rev. 3 Hwbot will bring until the damn server is updated with fresh data. And even then who the hell knows what the eruo's will do. It's their machines, their time, their money, their business. I see alot of pissed off Americano's but not one damned coder around willing to put together the American BOT!

I'll end by saying, Hwbot is just another venue that makes it convenient to compete with others on a larger convenient scale. We all started on forum message boards competing with eachother and that will NEVER end. So if you don't like the bot and you wanna compare sizes, the forum's are always there. I can see where it'd be hard for obscure hardware bencher's to compare notes tho, duh, its ineherant to obscurity. Besides, I don't think we have any obscure snail chaser's here, at CP or NBOC or any other knuckleheads around here.

But wait, it's not done yet, so again, who the hell knows?
What kind of community do you intend to re-build?
tell me your sins and I'll sharpen my knife...(Take me to church)

Last edited by Kal-EL; 12-30-2009 at 01:09 AM.
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Old 12-30-2009
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Can't say I disagree with any of that brother Kal. I would so dig an American muscle pc league, wish I had the skill set to create a better wheel.
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Old 12-30-2009
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Originally Posted by RomDominance View Post
Can't say I disagree with any of that brother Kal. I would so dig an American muscle pc league, wish I had the skill set to create a better wheel.
well a hwbot not controlled by the euroforce would always be welcome... just dont question why TEAM OCA is 20,000 points ahead of everyone else at the start

Originally Posted by Gunslinger View Post
You mean you don't have one of the uber secret 6.6GHz Gulftown pots?
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Old 12-30-2009
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Well said Kal...
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