Originally Posted by RomDominance
Pretty close Nuero. This is how I run em.
HT on= wprime's, pcmark, 06 and Vantage
HT off=AQM3, 01, 03, 05, SPi's, pifast, CPUZ
Yep, that is how i run them..3D 03, 05 and aqua give no better score with HT on. Actually Aqua needs to have an affinity adjustment to score large..If anything I can't keep the CPU speed up as easy and it doesn't help any...06 and vantage needs the HT...
I just wasn't sure about PCMark...As far as my temps I stay in the mid 60's running 4.575 on the highest core....Running PCMark05
I have never been over 1.80 on the vdimm...(paranoid)
Goat mentioned once that if I run a lower ram speed like with 3D03 at 4.650 lets say 1400ish I didn't need as much vdimm...I think he is right because when i drop the ram speed to run a higher clock for 03..1.68-1.72 works fine...
also to answer 2C's question I run about 1.54 QPI for 4.575....I have had it up to 1.58 for 4.650..Not sure if that is risky but the QPI voltage increase really helps when turning up the CPU..Thanks to 69_goat for that tip..
I have learned alot at this site....Still have a long ways to go....Great Forum...Good People!!!!