Originally Posted by Chicken Patty
guys if you don't mind. What exactly consists of tuning a PC for Ln2? It has to do with the prepping correct?
The prep work is probably the most impotant factor in a subzero session. Once you're properly setup, it leaves you with the peace of mind to clock with confidence. Tuning the pc under subzero on the i7 platform is a bit different than s775 and needs a bit more finess. Just starting out you'll find right away that you can attain supremely better clocks at lower volts. It's when you enter the upper range that you start to appreciate the tinker skills of the more experienced clockers.
That's how I see anyhow, one things for sure, once you get a taste of cold, ur done, hooked like a chronic in Chinatown, bam Overclockaholic!