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Old 09-11-2011
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What those RAT BASTARDS did ten years ago today.

Never forget they killed close to 3,000 of our countrymen in the name of their religion

Never forget they are STILL hoping to kill millions more of us !!

Never forget those who died

Say a prayer that this will never happen again

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Old 09-11-2011
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Old 09-11-2011
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Eight children perished in the attack too. Sad I tell you.
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Old 09-11-2011
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We won't.
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Old 09-11-2011
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just watching MSNBC, they are replaying the actual coverage,

It is midevil,

you forget how devistating it was over time,
You don't need a reason to help people
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Old 09-11-2011
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IMO, nobody should be replaying, or keep playing, that coverage. Don't you think people have suffered enough without having to watch it over and over again? Let it go. Nobody will forget. Nobody forgets Pearl Harbor, right?, and they don't keep playing that over and over again. Not to mention, why are we giving the enemy the pleasure of seeing it again. It's just not right.
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Old 09-11-2011
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Originally Posted by Mr.Scott View Post
IMO, nobody should be replaying, or keep playing, that coverage. Don't you think people have suffered enough without having to watch it over and over again? Let it go. Nobody will forget. Nobody forgets Pearl Harbor, right?, and they don't keep playing that over and over again. Not to mention, why are we giving the enemy the pleasure of seeing it again. It's just not right.
Sensationlistic Idiotic Media Jacktards is why. Its ten years now and everyday I hit the road I'm thinking about it, its definitely not forgotten. Those Fear Breeder Media types can bite me tho for drumming it up on t.v.
What kind of community do you intend to re-build?
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Old 09-11-2011
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Originally Posted by Mr.Scott View Post
IMO, nobody should be replaying, or keep playing, that coverage. Don't you think people have suffered enough without having to watch it over and over again? Let it go. Nobody will forget. Nobody forgets Pearl Harbor, right?, and they don't keep playing that over and over again. Not to mention, why are we giving the enemy the pleasure of seeing it again. It's just not right.
+1 to this.

All of this was done in the name of a religion that says:

If you are not one of us, you must convert or die = You by what we say have no freewill or right to choose....

To fulfill your duties as a member of this religion you are expected to go out and kill those not of this religion while killing yourself in the process....

Your reward is to have a bunch of virgins - Nothing I'm aware of is said beyond that and it could be these "Virgins" are butt ugly or even men/butt ugly men... Who knows?

The above reward is based on something physical, something that clearly doesn't apply once you're gone anyway....

It's also weird that the "God" of this religion by name was once known as an Arabian god of the moon. Historically anything related to the moon in this way has always been evil and even recent/modern references to the moon in this way are the same....

Not to mention the sheer arrogance that by doing anything related to this duty of violence related to this religion, the one doing it has done nothing wrong = No sin, no matter what who or how many are affected....

There's plenty more I could post but that should say enough on my part.

BTW I'm well aware that many of this religion are actually good people that could care less what we do over here and don't want to do harm to anyone.
Those I'm OK with, it's the "others" I place the blame on and rightfully so.

No guys, I'll never forget or the reasons behind it all.

Last edited by Bones; 09-11-2011 at 09:13 AM.
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Old 09-11-2011
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Originally Posted by Mr.Scott View Post
We won't.

+1 on that!
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Old 09-11-2011
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I remember that day vividly. I was watching the news with a group of salty old WWII vets at the VA and calling my wife every half hour.

I disagree about the TV images, gentlemen. Your argument is valid, but here's mine:

It was real. It's too easy to minimalize the event and disregard the reality of 9/11. Especially for those too young to remember. In fact, I feel that's exactly what happened a few years ago when the liberal media avoided showing those images. A coddled, protected society is easily lead by a ring through the nose.

It exists!
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