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Old 03-03-2013
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Question A vexing problem

as you may or may not have read, I recently reconfigured my gamer. Everything was wonderful until a couple days ago (about the same day I put a new SSD in but I believe that is coincendence).

Whenever it starts now, whether at stock clocks or OCd, it false starts twice (dying at error code FF), then starts the third attempt at the correct settings ??

It was running consistently in the 30s at idle and in the 60s while gaming, with both cards staying around 60C max under load.

Then, all of a sudden, (about the time I started playing Crysis 3) I started getting strange system deaths, where the screen just went black and the system rebooted. Found out at least one of these was a CPU overtemp problem, so I did some temp testing and found my temps were running 20 to 30C hotter, with the main increase in heat seaming coming from the (water cooled) chipset

Got things under control, and had the CPU maxing out around 70 and the cards around 62 while both Prime AND Furmark were running. Went back to gaming and the system died.

Checked the PSU and found the five volt and 3.3 volt lines were weak, so I did a PSUdectomy. Temps are nice and cool again at idle but I still have the triple start?????

Going to test more tomorrow but wondering if any of you that bothered to read this far had any idea of what the issue might be?

added 15 minutes later

GPU 2 is running almost 20C warmer than GPU1 after 10 minutes of Crysis. both always ran with a couple degrees of each other so I'm thinking maybe AB is effed or something.. then again, gpu could have an issue wo is me

edit 2: 20 minutes later: GPU removed from system, gamed longer but still ended up with the black death. Not the RAM, I've tested that, chipset seems okay tempwise... starting to think CPU?

Raptor back in to see if it's the SSD :p

EDIT 3: Idling now for 5 minutes, CPU cores in the mid 50s :ohshit: GPU 40C - oops right after I typed that it dropped to mid 30s



Last edited by MaadDaawg; 03-03-2013 at 07:17 PM.
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Old 03-03-2013
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what in the gods name is going on dude! holy hell!
i'd say redo the oc and see whta's up
then drivers, then the os then the comptuer then a whole new person xD
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Old 03-03-2013
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Originally Posted by kikicoco1334 View Post
what in the gods name is going on dude! holy hell!
i'd say redo the oc and see whta's up
then drivers, then the os then the comptuer then a whole new person xD
yeah, whole new person :

It's been on idle, no OC... wierd... loop feels cool to the touch.. very strange

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Old 03-03-2013
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yeah the person who build the rig may be dirty idk

not sure man, i'd try pop a new chip in it if you got one just around see what's up.
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Old 03-03-2013
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Neuromancer might just be on to something hereNeuromancer might just be on to something here

This the X58 setup?

Since you added SSD check your SB temps. I ran into some issues on my ASUS rampage board when running SSDs.
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Old 03-03-2013
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Let me look into my crystal ball and see your system specs. Ah, I see that the bios is not been cleared and oc settings are jacked. Wait, wait, I see your pump fagging out under warm temps.......no no thats not it. Hmmmmmm, I dunno, got cloudy all of a sudden
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Old 03-04-2013
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Re-set BIOS to optimized defaults

Install fresh minty new OS, not an image

Rule out Hardware per standard proceedure, nothing on the board

If you get the same it is a board or CPU issue ot you

Should get mem eror, install 1 stick of RAM, should get vid error

Install 1 card should boot normally

install the rest of the stix should boot normally, if not it is a stix problem

If so install second card, should boot normally if not a card or vid driver problem

Overclock and have fun..........
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Old 03-04-2013
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Set the BIOS to default values yesterday morning, made no difference. Will run cool under OC for awhile then temps shoot up, will run cool at default values for awhile then temps shoot up.

Ran memory tests, no problems detected. Removed 1 GPU from the loop, ran a little longer before black screened. Error message in event log is generic that says an event occurred to cause a shutdown (71 IIRC)

Yes Rich, it's the X58 system with the RIIIE BE and the 980X. CPU, chipset, and GPUs are water cooled. Small rad at bottom, after second card gets hot but then loop goes to the big Feser on top which stays very cool. Temp of water from Feser to resv cool to touch (tubing that is). Never a problem with GPU2 until late yesterday when it started acting goofy and shooting up in temps.

Started trying to reformat the SSD last night, but on this board to get 6gbs you need to use SATA port controlled by the Marvell controller, and although it recognizes the drive it in, it seems to be resisting letting Windows load to it.

Cannot boot the system with the SSD connected to the 6gbs sata port with a sata III cable. SSD has no problems with a sata II cable connected to it.

A reformat will commence this morning if the rig will run long enough to allow Windows to complete :ohshit:

Kal - thanks bud, I always know I can count on you


Last edited by MaadDaawg; 03-04-2013 at 04:47 AM.
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Old 03-04-2013
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u sure you not losing flow on your loop?
What kind of community do you intend to re-build?
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Old 03-05-2013
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Originally Posted by Kal-EL View Post

u sure you not losing flow on your loop?

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