Originally Posted by Russianhaxor
Lol so you are buying the Speed Binning story, just not Intel's side of it.
You are absolutely correct. Think about it. If they didn't cover their ass it would hurt saies. One of the baddest combos on the planet is AndreYang's W3540/evga Classified combo. Well that CPU doesn't fall into the "extreme" category, or most importantly the majical land of $1000.00.
There is only so many EE chips made. If they speed binned 1000 of them, wtf would be stupid enough to buy the ones left on the retail channel? NOBODY!! One other reason for them to address the rumors this way. Mark my words, the usual suspects will be operating at way higher mhz under ln2. The elite overclockers that aren't in the loop so to say will be pissed cause they can't find a chip to compete. That is until they start binning xeons...