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Old 07-10-2009
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Bones Bones is offline
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Bones is just getting started

What's up guys?

First off, I'm a moderator at Classicplatforms and go by the same username there. I also go by the username Dr. McCoy over at EOCF.

As to OC'ing, it's really a hobby I've picked up over the last few years and like everyone else, I'm still learning. Started off with Socket A's and I've been going eversince.

As for my rig, well I have several here in various stages of assembly/disassembly since I'm always tweaking them, trying new things to see what I can get them to do and the like - You guys know how it is, it never runs fast enough.

Current build in progress is as follows - Just ordered these parts yesterday as of this post:
AM3 X3 720 BE
MSI 790FX-GD70
OCZ DDR3 2000/PC16000 Platinum RAM (2x1GB)

Of course improvements to the system will follow as I can do them... Well that is when I'm not too busy benching to do them.

Last edited by Bones; 07-10-2009 at 06:44 PM.
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Old 07-10-2009
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Kal-EL Kal-EL is offline
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I figured it was the Bones from Classicplatforms, Welcome to the Overclockaholics buddy
btw, I tried registering at your forum via the main page but can't access the forums, any suggestions? ( I need moa POWA! )
What kind of community do you intend to re-build?
tell me your sins and I'll sharpen my knife...(Take me to church)

Last edited by Kal-EL; 07-11-2009 at 01:51 AM.
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Old 07-10-2009
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Rogue210 Rogue210 is offline
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Hi Bones sign1
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Old 07-11-2009
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Bones Bones is offline
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Kal-El, let me check into that for you and should be able to do something about that soon. Believe I know what's going on and will look into it.

Also figured "Why not" and added my HWbot sig.
If it's too big or a problem in any way, just say the word and I'll remove it.

Last edited by Bones; 07-11-2009 at 09:45 AM.
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Old 07-11-2009
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Kal-EL Kal-EL is offline
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Thx Bones

I don't see ur sig tho but feel free to fly ur hwbot sig homie.
What kind of community do you intend to re-build?
tell me your sins and I'll sharpen my knife...(Take me to church)
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Old 07-11-2009
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Bones Bones is offline
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Bones is just getting started

I believe this post will have it since older posts before it's inserted won't show it.

Thanks Supes!

As mentioned, let me know if there's a problem with it and I'll take care of things if needed.

Last edited by Bones; 07-11-2009 at 04:32 PM.
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Old 07-11-2009
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69_Goat 69_Goat is offline
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Hello everybody here at OCA !!

My name is Jesse, hailing from Alberta, Canada.
(Whoa, this is kinda reminiscent of an AA meeting I attended years back. I left
when I discovered there weren't any chicks there who wanted to hit the bar afterwards.)

Another nic I use is 69_GTO_Judge at various forums including EOCF, Club NBOC, XS,
EVGA, Asus, Club OC, and others.

I am currently owner/operator of Pace Manufacuring, a machine shop
building specialty tooling for the oil and gas industry. The equipment includes
a pair of 4-axis CNC milling machines, which come in pretty handy when I want to
build cooling parts for my rig.

My hobbies include muscle cars (primarly GTO's), drag racing, camping and packing on
horseback into the mountains, and, of course, anything to do with PC's. I am totally
obsessed with OC'ing, benching, tweaking, and modding all the hardware I can get my
little grubbers on. I have to restrain myself from tweaking the controllers on the CNC's.

My current rig consists of:

- Antec 1200
- i7-920 CO
- P6T Deluxe X58
- 6GB Viper 12800 @ 8-8-8-20
- 2x Sapphire HD 4870X2
- 2x Hitachi 1 TB Raid0
- Sony BD + Pioneer DVD
- Ultra X3 1600
- Custom GTO X-Flow CPU WB
- 7 x64, Vista x64, XP SP3 Triple Boot

I'm pretty sure I have voided the warranty on most of these components.

Project in the works (wish list):

- Custom built torture rack
- EVGA Classified
- i7-920 DO and/or i7-975EE
- Corsair Dom 16000
- various GPU combinations
- multiple OCZ Vertex SSD's Raid0
- better PSU
- more custom cooling products

I will start a build log soon.

I have found Overclockaholics to be the most open and helpful forums anywhere on the net.
Great information, members, and atmosphere. A big congrats to all the owners and admins for
putting together such a terrific place. I look forward to spending a lot of my time here.

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Old 07-11-2009
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Kal-EL Kal-EL is offline
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Originally Posted by Bones View Post
I believe this post will have it since older posts before it's inserted won't show it.

Thanks Supes!

As mentioned, let me know if there's a problem with it and I'll take care of things if needed.

Nope, love the trek action homie, Romdominance from ClubNBOC is gonna love it too, cept he's a romulan and doesnt much care for the Federation
Originally Posted by 69_Goat View Post
Hello everybody here at OCA !!

My name is Jesse, hailing from Alberta, Canada.
(Whoa, this is kinda reminiscent of an AA meeting I attended years back. I left
when I discovered there weren't any chicks there who wanted to hit the bar afterwards.)

Another nic I use is 69_GTO_Judge at various forums including EOCF, Club NBOC, XS,
EVGA, Asus, Club OC, and others.

I am currently owner/operator of Pace Manufacuring, a machine shop
building specialty tooling for the oil and gas industry. The equipment includes
a pair of 4-axis CNC milling machines, which come in pretty handy when I want to
build cooling parts for my rig.

My hobbies include muscle cars (primarly GTO's), drag racing, camping and packing on
horseback into the mountains, and, of course, anything to do with PC's. I am totally
obsessed with OC'ing, benching, tweaking, and modding all the hardware I can get my
little grubbers on. I have to restrain myself from tweaking the controllers on the CNC's.

My current rig consists of:

- Antec 1200
- i7-920 CO
- P6T Deluxe X58
- 6GB Viper 12800 @ 8-8-8-20
- 2x Sapphire HD 4870X2
- 2x Hitachi 1 TB Raid0
- Sony BD + Pioneer DVD
- Ultra X3 1600
- Custom GTO X-Flow CPU WB
- 7 x64, Vista x64, XP SP3 Triple Boot

I'm pretty sure I have voided the warranty on most of these components.

Project in the works (wish list):

- Custom built torture rack
- EVGA Classified
- i7-920 DO and/or i7-975EE
- Corsair Dom 16000
- various GPU combinations
- multiple OCZ Vertex SSD's Raid0
- better PSU
- more custom cooling products

I will start a build log soon.

I have found Overclockaholics to be the most open and helpful forums anywhere on the net.
Great information, members, and atmosphere. A big congrats to all the owners and admins for
putting together such a terrific place. I look forward to spending a lot of my time here.
One hell of an introduction brother, I think we've just picked up another qualified Overclockaholic! Welcome to the clubhouse, kick off the shoes, enjoy your stay and thank you for the compliments
What kind of community do you intend to re-build?
tell me your sins and I'll sharpen my knife...(Take me to church)
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Old 07-11-2009
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69_Goat 69_Goat is offline
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Your welcome Kal.
Forgot to post up a couple pics.
This is my WB creation.
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File Type: jpg Top & Bottom.JPG (99.7 KB, 3 views)
File Type: jpg IMG_0974.jpg (42.8 KB, 3 views)

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Old 07-12-2009
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Mr.Scott Mr.Scott is offline
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What up brudda's. Stopped by to check out your site. Pretty snazzy.

Last edited by Mr.Scott; 07-12-2009 at 07:44 AM.
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