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Old 08-21-2011
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Originally Posted by BenchZowner View Post
Huh, I thought I've been through this before here, memory lapse ?

Well, let's have another go

Nik: BenchZowner
Other Niks: BenchZowner, BenchZowner, BenchZowner, BenchZowner, BenchZowner ah... and billpeppas
Forums: everywhere :p
Real name: Bill Peppas
Profession: Crazy-oh-meter ok seriously now, PC Elect. Engineer, mastering in Microprocessors
Hobbies: let me think... well... overclocking, music ( listening, playing [ synthesizer & drums ], DJing ), watching movies/tv shows, gorgeous only women, hanging out ( cafe/bar/pub ), basketball, fishing, diving
Benchmarks: gimme moar ( every single one ), favorite's 3D Mark2001SE
Current HW: a lot, a 5.86G 2600K, a few 980X's ( mostly crappy ones ), high end x58 & z68 mobos, lots of cherrypicked RAM kits from a-data, geil, corsair, some VGA's, lots of HDDs/SSDs/Sound cards/PSUs/RAID Controllers, etc
Hardware history ? Don't get me started.
Started with the notorious Amstrad CPC & Amiga to 386DX and every single high end CPU & VGA onwards.
Prefered SW: for 24/7 Windows 7 x64, for benching the best OS per application
A weird guy.
26 (! what ? nooooo nooooo no! I wanna go back to being 16 plz! ) years old crazy ass mofo.
Advantages: very very ( if not absolutely ) straightforward, honest, friendly, caring, sharing, understanding, and easy to get along with ( as long as you're not a bad person, that is a no-go ), over-realistic ( can be misunderstood as pessimistic at some point lol ).
Very very straightforward, very picky on women, can't stand liars ( especially the white lies kind of people ) and any kind of bad attitude ( any kind, any form ), very picky on food ( I have an exquisite taste in food & women )

My first FPE ( First Person Encounter ) with a "PC" was in late 1989, and I've been hooked up with computers & technology ever since ( I fetched a screwdriver and tore it apart in mid 1990, my mother came back home and saw the Amstrad ripped apart and went crazy, but I re-assembled it and fixed the malfunctioning disk drive and she was like "wtf", never doubted me ever since )
If it's working with electricity ( and it's not an iron, oven, dish/clothes washing machine ), it is my thing
And no, I'm not a geek.
I know my stuff, like my stuff, but apart from that, I'm just an ordinary person.
Just like with music, I like everything except folk/metal/hard rock, I like trying new things ( no no, gay porn and 2 boys 1 cup ain't on that list ), challenges, and I'm open to everything ( perhaps even Ice Dancing [ well, maybe not, at least not with those gay tight fit clothes ] ).

If a girl asks about me, just don't mention that I have to do anything with computers, I hate that look on their faces.
Started with a Vic 20 - 6kbs of RAM

Got bad news for ya on not liking women who lie and have bad attitudes dude :rolf:

Play guitar and have a drum set in the garage

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Old 08-21-2011
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All we need now is a hot chick to sing :p ( if she's "consumable" I don't care about her attitude )
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Old 08-21-2011
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MaadDaawg MaadDaawg is offline
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Originally Posted by BenchZowner View Post
All we need now is a hot chick to sing :p ( if she's "consumable" I don't care about her attitude )
Drink enuf and they're all consumable

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Old 08-21-2011
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Originally Posted by sandlewood View Post
Hello everyone, happy to joined at this forum get this link forum from my friend in faceb**k

Nik : sandlewood
Other Niks : hutri samani_sandlewood
Forums : hwbot, xtremesystem, ocxtreme, kingpincooling
Real name : hutri samani

thank you
welcome welcome!

Originally Posted by BenchZowner View Post
Huh, I thought I've been through this before here, memory lapse ?

Well, let's have another go

Nik: BenchZowner
Other Niks: BenchZowner, BenchZowner, BenchZowner, BenchZowner, BenchZowner ah... and billpeppas
Forums: everywhere :p
Real name: Bill Peppas
Profession: Crazy-oh-meter ok seriously now, PC Elect. Engineer, mastering in Microprocessors
Hobbies: let me think... well... overclocking, music ( listening, playing [ synthesizer & drums ], DJing ), watching movies/tv shows, gorgeous only women, hanging out ( cafe/bar/pub ), basketball, fishing, diving
Benchmarks: gimme moar ( every single one ), favorite's 3D Mark2001SE
Current HW: a lot, a 5.86G 2600K, a few 980X's ( mostly crappy ones ), high end x58 & z68 mobos, lots of cherrypicked RAM kits from a-data, geil, corsair, some VGA's, lots of HDDs/SSDs/Sound cards/PSUs/RAID Controllers, etc
Hardware history ? Don't get me started.
Started with the notorious Amstrad CPC & Amiga to 386DX and every single high end CPU & VGA onwards.
Prefered SW: for 24/7 Windows 7 x64, for benching the best OS per application
A weird guy.
26 (! what ? nooooo nooooo no! I wanna go back to being 16 plz! ) years old crazy ass mofo.
Advantages: very very ( if not absolutely ) straightforward, honest, friendly, caring, sharing, understanding, and easy to get along with ( as long as you're not a bad person, that is a no-go ), over-realistic ( can be misunderstood as pessimistic at some point lol ).
Very very straightforward, very picky on women, can't stand liars ( especially the white lies kind of people ) and any kind of bad attitude ( any kind, any form ), very picky on food ( I have an exquisite taste in food & women )

My first FPE ( First Person Encounter ) with a "PC" was in late 1989, and I've been hooked up with computers & technology ever since ( I fetched a screwdriver and tore it apart in mid 1990, my mother came back home and saw the Amstrad ripped apart and went crazy, but I re-assembled it and fixed the malfunctioning disk drive and she was like "wtf", never doubted me ever since )
If it's working with electricity ( and it's not an iron, oven, dish/clothes washing machine ), it is my thing
And no, I'm not a geek.
I know my stuff, like my stuff, but apart from that, I'm just an ordinary person.
Just like with music, I like everything except folk/metal/hard rock, I like trying new things ( no no, gay porn and 2 boys 1 cup ain't on that list ), challenges, and I'm open to everything ( perhaps even Ice Dancing [ well, maybe not, at least not with those gay tight fit clothes ] ).

If a girl asks about me, just don't mention that I have to do anything with computers, I hate that look on their faces.
holy balls! 1989! i was -1 years old then!

more or less welcome the OCA!

btw i am starting a facebook thing if you have facebook or something like that here is the link

Memory IC List
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Old 08-21-2011
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Welcome nubbers
What kind of community do you intend to re-build?
tell me your sins and I'll sharpen my knife...(Take me to church)
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Old 10-25-2011
jphilipg1 jphilipg1 is offline
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Hey everyone, I'm new to the forums. I've been a pc junkie since 1989-1990 myself. I'm by no means an expert though. I stumbled across this site while searching for benchmarks on thermal compounds of all things ( building a new p.c. ). After looking around a bit I figured I could probably learn a lot here. I'm new to overclocking myself so hope you guys won't mind the occasional newb questions ...
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Old 10-25-2011
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Don't sweat the details, we all have to start somewhere. You into gaming or living on the bleeding edge ?
You don't need a reason to help people
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Old 10-25-2011
jphilipg1 jphilipg1 is offline
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Originally Posted by Witchdoctor View Post

Don't sweat the details, we all have to start somewhere. You into gaming or living on the bleeding edge ?

I'm mainly into gaming. I play everything from mmo's to rts and fps. Anyone here going to play the new SWTOR or BF3? Planning on both myself.
Planning on picking up the HD 6950. Anyone had any experience with these cards? Read you could flash to a 6970 but don't know if it's true.

Last edited by jphilipg1; 10-25-2011 at 08:00 AM.
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Old 10-25-2011
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FPS player here, BF3 is already up & runnin'.

I don't play enough and regularly anymore, but I do get to shoot some asses every now and then.

Welcome to OCA btw jphilipg1
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Old 10-25-2011
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Installing BF3 right now....

Oh, and Welcome jphilipg1

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