Wow what can I say, this is the thread dream forums are made of, big enough to leave a footprint, small enough to know your name.
With that I shall
introduce myself to those who may not know me as of yet.
(p.s. this darn illness I have has me up in pain...)
Nik: Marcam923
one and only nick, broken down, first name - Marc middle initial - A Last name starts with M D.O.B. 9-23
Forums: I float around all forums, recently through some life changes, I have been away for a bit, but my main homes are Evga, 411overkill, here, also find me at TPU, [H] forum,, anandatech, angora, and i'm sure i am missing a couple...
Real name: Marc
Profession: current: VOIP at EVGA, also me and my father have a business, car detailing (custom graphics, pinstripes etc...) and of course signs, fleet vehicle lettering, custom decals etc... if you are looking for anything of that nature, hit me up, I give the best deals you can find.
4' x 24' signs, vinyl lettering, custom printed spray gun and spray pattern
A couple more:
Hobbies: modding/overclocking/benching, movies, and many many more
Benchmarks: my fav of all time has to be 3DMark06
I can tell you by heart where FPS will drop, and I love the third 3D bench where the dragon jumps out of the water and trys to swallow the airship (also the highest point for FPS through the entire benchtest.
I remember one night, on a forum not so far away, me and the big guys, Soups and Foamer, having a little benching night so to speak, through a thread. We were pushing our rigs respectively, definitely a night that one day may go down in OC'ing history
Current HW:
Evga x58 LE
i7 920
2x GTX275
150gb raptor
Cosmos 1000
case custom modded, and I must say my best work to date. It's funny when we create something or achieve something that makes us sit back and just stare. I am in awe fellas, and lady
Prefered SW: WIN XP of course, should be installing WIN 7 shortly and from what I hear, should be a new fav for me.
About me: Well back in 94 me and my sister's ex husband built my first computer. I then bought 2, and forgot what a joy was building them. Got back into it around the release of Evga's 680i, built me a little system that could, and modded the hell out of what started life as one ugly case.
It became the Superman case, and kind of got me some attention.
Here she is:
That is when the modding with purpose began. I love working with my hands, and took a little $40 case, that I bought when I knew nothing of manufacturer's and made it into something that looked good, but most of my mods were to increase airflow, hence performance.
Well I am at it again, and have just finished something that I think alot of you will like. Let's see if Soups can figure out the hidden meaning behind the project name - Krypto
When I put a name to something I like to tie the entire mod together, if it does not all flow, it just does not fit. Check out my thread in member's rigs for a full final explaination after final pictures are posted, here is a teaser.
Glad to see everyone here, and welcome all and hello to those I have not yet met.