Nik: bartonisium
Other Niks: CmB
Forums: OCA, XS, VR Zone
Real name: Chris Barton
Profession: Student, Editor-in-Chief at IT trib
Hobbies: Fishing, boating, overclocking, benchmarking, distributed computing, sports
Benchmarks: I haven't competitively benched since socket A
Current HW: Always changing
Preferred SW: Linux and open source, but for gaming XP or Win 7 all the way
: I'm going to medical school on a free ride from UPMC [a Pittsburgh based insurance company] once I finish undergrad, I just found out a few weeks ago so it's pretty exciting news for me. Other than I'm a pretty normal person aside from the crazy hardware obsession.
I should also disclose that I am owner / editor of IT trib. Did you already guess that IT trib is another tech news / reviews site? Well, you're right! I'm involved in
this thread regarding an interview with Philly_Boy, and I would like to thank all the warm welcomes I've received in that thread already. Thanks folks!