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Old 06-28-2009
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Vivi Vivi is offline
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Vivi will become famous soon enough

sup mr Deux!

i have also not exactly entroduced myself.. so let me do taht.

Nick: Vivi
Other Niks: Vivi2 on XS cause some guy took and is now MIA
Forums: Xtreme systems, ocxtreme.org, HWBOT?
Real name: Gottfried Roodt, but im called Goddy.
Profession: Still in school, 18 years old. Overclocker for hire?
Hobbies: Overclocking
Benchmarks: I LOVE, 3Dmark2001 and Aquamark
Current HW:

E8600 (Q822A435) 6.777ghz validated and 6.682 Superpi 1m
2x Asus 8800gts 512
ep45t extreme
1000W Corsair
2x SSd's, corsair 64fgb , intel 80gb
3x2gb 2000cl8 Dominator gt's
Rampage extreme
790i XFX
ASUS 295
3 GPU POTS 1 CPU pot

Prefered SWl: XP
I live in south africa, on the world map its RIGHT AT THE TIP OF africa, like RIGHT AT THE TIP thats where i live. We have everything here.

Ln2, 2$ a litre, free dewar rental.
Dice, all over the place.
A local who makes any gpu or cpu pot for cost price.
Brand sponsorships, Asus, suppliers, corsair.
and pretty much whatever you need!

you ln2 guys are sick - Splave 06-26-2009
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Old 06-28-2009
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Neuromancer Neuromancer is offline
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Neuromancer might just be on to something hereNeuromancer might just be on to something here

Welcome Duex and Vivi

Great to have you here!!!

(And V, HUGE contribution points for you man A+ stuff. Got see the coast line of SA when I was rounding the Cape escorting the USS Cole back to Mississippi no port visits though :( Beautiful coastline you have there)
"Don't You understand? This is Greek to me! Except I spek Greek, this is like Aramaic to me, and not the Western Dialect I can read a little." - Dr. Walter Bishop

Special relativity is not "Eat Two Big Macs."
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Old 06-28-2009
BustaH BustaH is offline
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Hi all.

Bustah from Benchtec UK here.
Real name, Martin
other forums. Benchtec/ xsforums/ a few others that I visit less frequently.
profession: currently working with the homeless in my community, also do work in the drugs and alcohol abuse field.

Hobbies: Benching of course.

greatest achievement? finding a woman who is prepared to put up with my countless hours stuck in front of my rig.

no current sponsor.

ln2 is expensive in my country [uk]
I run cascade mostly which seems to be fine for i7 stuff.

referer kal-El

Last edited by BustaH; 06-28-2009 at 10:06 PM.
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Old 06-28-2009
dinos22 dinos22 is offline
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hey guys dinos22 from Team.AU

i'm a member of a tonne of OC forums and some fishing ones. yeah i like fishing when summer time hugs the shore and brings those monsters in close for some decent rock fishing

i run a laptop joint in sydney, have a couple of kids and bench with whatever little time i get left after kids are in bed and wife isnt too shitty with me hanging out in my bench room like a loony

Now with winter and all i like benching cause of nice ambients. Totally sucks in summer as you can imagine hehhe
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Old 06-28-2009
Deanzo Deanzo is offline
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Hi guys,

For anyone that doesn't know me, I'm Deanzo and I'm from New Zealand.

Have a wife and one wee girl, and like some others here, for fun I like to bench.

In fact I have 10Kgs of dry ice sitting next to me wanting to be used on a i7 975 and an Asus RE2.
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Old 06-29-2009
tajoh111 tajoh111 is offline
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I am new here, I appreciate the title of Shameful Lurker.

I am a member of HWC and xtremesystems. At HWC I am sheepdogexpress.

I am canadian. I am a noob to overclocking, but I read about it so much. My favorite bench is probably 3d06.
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Old 06-29-2009
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Kal-EL Kal-EL is offline
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sign1 to teh forum gents

Enjoy your stay and lemme know if there's anything I can help u with- Supes
What kind of community do you intend to re-build?
tell me your sins and I'll sharpen my knife...(Take me to church)
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Old 06-29-2009
Josifek Josifek is offline
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Hi all

My nick is Josifek (d'oh )
My real name is Jozef or Joe - pick what you like

I am a part of slovak OCTeam OCMag.eu we are currently heading towards first 100 in HWBot

I like to manufacture most of the equipment i use myself. I dont have a "stable" rig cause i always try different HW. Lets just say my daily PC is a notebook (till i tare that one a part too ROFL)

I dont have a favourite benchmark, but i like SuperPI and 3D mark 01 and 06

That covers the most for me

PS: Forgive my not so perfect english
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Old 06-29-2009
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HITandRUN HITandRUN is offline
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HITandRUN -- Blazingpc.com is my home where I'm a mod! You can also find me on other forums like XS, OCN, [H] or Overclockers Club. My passion is sub-zero OCing which I do whenever I have a free minute. Married + 3 kiddies and a job for a big PCB manufacturer. I guess that's it! Love that little guy --> morpheus
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Old 06-29-2009
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crio crio is offline
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Hello there
My name is crio (only nickname)
I post reguraly in xs-hwbox.gr-here.Watch lots of oc forums.Love ocing in ln2-dice and trying many things.
I am glad to be here.Nice to meet you all.
Bench is nice, life is even better

Crio OC

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