Hey Guys
Nik: Paulieg
Other Niks: Just one, that's it.
Forums: Moderator at TPU. I tend to keep busy over there.
Real name: Paul Gow
Profession: Vocational Counselor, run a small mobile repair service on the side, working on my masters degree.
Hobbies: Benching and Bench Pressing (Power lifting)
Benchmarks: Love them all
Current HW: Too much to list. Currently running 2 Core i7 920 rigs and one i3 540 rig. Probably enough hardware around to build a couple more rigs, but the wife would kill me.
Prefered SW: Windows 7. They finally got it right.
About: I'm a New York Yankee living in Tennessee. i'm married to a shrink (really), and I have 2 beautiful girls. When I'm not chasing my kids around or trying to finish graduate school, I'm benching either hardware or iron.
Last edited by paulieg; 03-02-2010 at 07:14 PM.