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Old 04-19-2011
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Default When you hit a good score

i been meaning to ask this for some time now, most if not all the guys here are a perfect example for me to look up to, i was wondering what you guys are like when you hit your first high surprising score?

i still remember the first time i hit above 7GHz at that time i already benched for over 12hrs 30L is almost gone and that was my last try and i can see the LN2 in my pot is going lower and lower i was just sitting there with one hand on the mouse clicking the SetFSB and the other having the finger on the hot key for CPU-Z and every click on the mouse i took a save i was extremely tired and sick of sitting there doing the samething over and over for hrs, (i benched something else too that day) and when i saw 7.**Ghz i got so excited i started jumping up and down and bouncing off the wall..
if it wasn't 5am in the morning i'd go run around screaming like an idiot down the street

i also remember not too long ago when i was just home benchin the 970 and some how end up with 2.4 boint for wPrime 32, 2.0 for wPrime 1024 and mostly SuperPi 32m for .8 boint (that thanks to Rickss69, he walked me over the phone before teaching me how to run it right) i was like OMFG!!!!!

i am a n00b, or a monkey don't knwo how to push buttons or the right buttons, and when i do get something awesome like this i am always extremely happy and jumping up and down and screaming like an idiot

and just min ago i saw Splave, Dentlord and RomDominance was clocking and hit the WR and Splave is very steady and just chilling and opening the CPUZ and i am like if i hit the WR i'd prob nude run downtown nashville 5~6pm rush hr and gone crazy!

so please let me know what you guys are like when you hit a stupidly surprising high score.

oh and ps. most of you may or may not know this but i am kind of like a .1 bointer master... i think i have more .1 boints than anyone that's on the team...
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