Originally Posted by Hondacity
thats fast ...even with those slow rams LOL. you'll be in pain once you use the r3e
for r3e guys....skip 704 801 901....based on splave's screenshot he's using the next bios from the original 3...

so whats he using ?
Originally Posted by Hondacity
same..my qpi is 36xx or so 38xx is just too high....if you make 38xxqpi ..you're running subzero......
as dom hinted..its the os....
so is my qpi to high for water ?
Originally Posted by Kal-EL
qpi/dram is vtt as far as I know on the RE3
i just remembered i tryed 1.7v to get it to boot at cas7 2000+
Originally Posted by Hondacity
1.65vtt ....is killer...just a warning
Originally Posted by Neuromancer
Was using winFLP w/ SP3, then I installed chuch's 130MB XP.
Not seeing any difference, except XP has more stuff running in the background  (only 1 more process IIRC)
Still not home, I definitely will be tomorrow to watch my sister's kids that night, so after 830 EDT I should get some more play time.
Was really hoping to get home tonight but stopped working at 10PM and it was too late to run to the 'pot and get more caulk.
Yeah dunno why but that happens on intel and AMD... people call the BUS clock on intel the QPI clock. and on AMD the hypertransport clock.
(AMD is kind of close, it is actully HTREF )
i dl xp rev9