Thread: Ubuntu
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Old 03-05-2009
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Default Ubuntu

For those who have no experience with Ubuntu but are interested in learning, Ubuntu is a great form of Linux to start with.

If you have a benching/gaming pc and another you use for web surfing only then Ubuntu can potentially be a great asset to you. It's very user friendly, will run many windows based apps if you install Wine, will never get viruses or spyware and never needs to be defragged. It just works.

A big benefit of Ubuntu is it's resource useage, an older pc that is too slow to run vista will run Ubuntu fabulously and will look as good or better than vista too! As an example I am running Ubuntu on my g/f's old DELL, it's a Dimension 2400 with a 2.66ghz celeron, 2x512mb DDR333 and Radeon 9250 256mb PCI video card. It's useage while chatting on Pidgeon with a couple of windows open, idling ventrilo and listening to some music on Pandora is about 300-350mb ram and 10-15% cpu useage. In XP it couldn't even do all that at once!

Oh yeah...Ubuntu is also free!
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