Originally Posted by hellcamino
You know it's funny how many misconceptions there are about using Ubuntu, my Dad was of the opinion that it was all command line based, looked like crap and was inherently difficult to use.
I just told him he was a puss and probably not smart enough to figure it out anyways..(LOL) He of course was incensed and promptly demanded that I drop him off a .iso so he could install it (he still has a hard time burning his own .iso's)
He installed it and has had very litle trouble with it so that pretty much means that a one handed, near sighted autistic monkey with hemmorhoids could do it.
I sent an invitation to your father with a link to this post.
If you don't show up here for a while we will know you got your ass kicked and you can't sit down next to the PC, or anywhere else, until you heal up.