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Witchdoctor 08-08-2014 10:45 AM

Catzilla 720P
2 Attachment(s)
What up gents ?

Ran a 3rd place run yesterday with clocks that were way under those around me. Right on right ? however it got shot down by a few members there as a bugged run. looking at it the fluid and ray march tests were off the hook. So I concured it as being bugged and deleted the submission . However when I got home I realized I had eough juice to do a stock run and see how it played out, no way to have two bugged runs in a row. Even at stock my fluid and ray march tests are way high in comparision to the highest scoring benchers

So is it the install, the version or have I just stepped in shit and gotten lucky with some settings and these scores are legit ? I can reproduce these results all night long

here are the two screens, one at stock settings and one that I submitted



GFDuke 08-09-2014 12:07 AM

Did you submit with the Catzilla url? It does look suspect. But I really couldn't see anything obvious. When I ran Catzilla bugged runs were pick up by the program and not even allowed in my database.

Witchdoctor 08-09-2014 12:43 AM

No, I did not get a ULR as I did not have an intrnet connection hooked up, guess I should have saved it.

Thinking the install may be borked :ohcrap:

Quite the bummer though, it was a geat scroe

O well have to go at it again next time :thumbsup:

Kal-EL 08-09-2014 12:55 AM

Maybe take some vid of a few runs?

Witchdoctor 08-09-2014 02:10 AM

Wish I could, this bench black screens even with the D-sub ???

So it goes black and when it is done the screen comes back up with the score :Dizzy:

Crazy as you are simply watching the temp readings and adding juice accordingly

What a eff'ed up mess of a bench :laughing:

Kal-EL 08-09-2014 02:43 AM

jeebus a fully stable benchmark, wozah!

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