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Witchdoctor 11-03-2013 01:56 AM

SPI Submissions ?
Anyone else having trouble with the Bot totaling SPI 1m & 32m submissions ?

It will not give me any points ?

Mr.Scott 11-03-2013 03:24 AM

No issue for me. Give it time, they update terribly slow.

Witchdoctor 11-03-2013 03:49 AM

yea I was thinking that, just posted one three days ago , still nothing, even ran recalculate points ?

This is not the greatest by any means, but it was my first sub 6min 32m
should be worth at least .1 ?


Mr.Scott 11-03-2013 04:12 AM

Hmmm.......seems to be hung. PM Ney in the forum for a fix.

Witchdoctor 11-03-2013 05:49 AM

will do,

Thansk for the info :thumbsup:

PhIlLy ChEeSe 11-06-2013 11:50 AM

4.3 you got for it global boints and .01 for hardware boints :thumbsup:

Witchdoctor 11-06-2013 01:26 PM

yea they fixed it up for me,

my 5.4 result was not taking

need to get a sub 1 min 12.59 seconds on the N450 ........... :laughing:

Neuromancer 11-06-2013 10:40 PM

You were running an N450 that is why it is slow :)

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