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-   -   UD4 vs UD7 3Dmark2001 Sli and Single card Compared. (http://www.overclockaholics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4453)

Vivi 04-20-2011 01:44 AM

UD4 vs UD7 3Dmark2001 Sli and Single card Compared.
Yo guys!

Getting ln2 tomorrow only.. so while i'm bored i did this.

Quck history:

I had a UD4 1st, was happy with it. But i wanted to run dual card 01, and the 16x 16x on UD7 sounded juicy. So i bought a UD7 and some of my scores went down a little. Probly because the NF200 chip not so good for single card. It's also not so good dual card. (only tested 2001 though).

So i compared results from UD4 VS UD7.

All my tests done at SAME speeds. Everything identical.


Gigabyte P67A-UD4-B3 and P67A-UD7-B3
Corsair 2000mhz cl7 memory (1066 7-7-7-20 1T)
Corsair 950W psu
2600k (5.015ghz)
2x MSI 275 Lightnings (750 / 1250)

Just some pointers when using 182.50 nvidia drivers and P67 boards you need to use the sli hack to make sli work. And if you want to overvolt msi 275 lightnings on 182.50 drivers use madmatrix tool.

Here we go:

UD4 Left / UD7 Right (Single Card)


Full Screenshot

UD4 Screenshot
UD7 Screenshot

UD4 Left / UD7 Right (Dual Card)


Full Screenshot

UD4 Screenshot
UD7 Screenshot

The difference is quite big. The higher you go with cpu speed the bigger the difference will get.
Seems like UD4 slacks a LITTLE in nature dualcard. But the other tests make more than up for it.


Chuchnit 04-20-2011 03:00 AM

Now the question is if you gain mhz by switching to the UD7 to make up the difference. ;)

Neuromancer 04-20-2011 03:27 AM

Interested to see how this effects newer tests that are not GPU phobic. Like Heaven :)

Vivi 04-20-2011 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by Chuchnit (Post 76615)
Now the question is if you gain mhz by switching to the UD7 to make up the difference. ;)

no sadly not :/
that was the main reason i went to ud7. to gain CPU speed.


max on UD4 5705mhz
max on UD7 5705mhz

Witchdoctor 04-20-2011 05:09 AM

How does 2D compare ???

Vivi 04-20-2011 05:15 AM

for me 2D the UD4 was faster.

5705 - Pi - 6.500
5705 - Pifast - 12.88

5705 - Pi - 6.531
5705 - Pifast - 12.91

Witchdoctor 04-20-2011 06:41 AM


Wonder what gives when their mid line board out prforms the flagship ???

better times = clocks ... WTF are they doing to market this

2x 16 would be all it has going for it over the ud4 ???

guess it has giga teaming and the whole smeal though ...

plus the way cool box .......... :laughing:

Splave 04-20-2011 07:33 AM

nf200 ftl?

ReverendMaynard 04-20-2011 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by Splave (Post 76629)
nf200 ftl?

we have a winner.:ohcrap:

Chuchnit 04-20-2011 08:19 AM

I still don't get why it's slower in 2d? NF200 should only affect 3D shouldn't it?

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