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Hondacity 06-01-2010 09:02 AM

Unidentified POT from KP?

it looks like copper....

any guesses?

ReverendMaynard 06-01-2010 09:07 AM

knock off?

Kal-EL 06-01-2010 09:15 AM

upside down dice extension tube on top an F1.

FACE 06-01-2010 09:20 AM

Yeah, looks to me like the mounted pot is an f1ee, and behind it is the ext. tube.


Looks well broke in. ;)

Splave 06-01-2010 09:20 AM


punx223 06-01-2010 09:24 AM

yeah its a dice extension.... sitting in a F1 mount on the table

Gunslinger 06-01-2010 12:01 PM

1 Attachment(s)
You mean you don't have one of the uber secret 6.6GHz Gulftown pots? :taunt:

Splave 06-01-2010 12:16 PM

rofl pwnd :)

FACE 06-01-2010 12:20 PM

HAHA! gunslinger in for the WIN! :laughing:

punx223 06-01-2010 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Gunslinger (Post 43150)
You mean you don't have one of the uber secret 6.6GHz Gulftown pots? :taunt:

wow.... that is so pure win words cannot even describe :morpheus:

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