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Apache0c 03-19-2010 10:06 PM

Linux > Windoze
Just wanted to show off my little desktop, 3360x1050 rez. Windoze7 Ultimate 64bit guest running inside Virtualbox on Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic host.





I know it's nothing compared to what most of you guys are rocking but I have more time than money invested in this and its one of my pride and joys.

Here are links to the original size screenshots:




Kal-EL 03-19-2010 10:08 PM

It's Epic like the size of your sig ;)

Neuromancer 03-19-2010 10:22 PM

Your sig > linux :)

And you do know that you can run Linux in a VM in windows too right?

(only way to run linux IMHO but I only have been using computers for almost 30 years, hate fighting with UNIX systems OMFG could you imagine if your PC would only boot CLI cuz your LAN cable was unplugged? Welcome to the wonderful world of UNIX!)

But other than that.. yeah nice system.. only thing I see wrong with it is you chose two bad OSes :p Ubuntu and Mojave LOL)

Apache0c 03-19-2010 10:41 PM

LMAO, thanks for bustin my balls guys. :laughing: Much appreciated.

I guess thats what I get for trying to show-off some of my work. :)

This is the same sig I've had for 2 years, not sure why you pick now to notice it. :blink:

And honestly, I feel exactly the opposite about Linux, it is the only Unix-like OS that I would use and IMHO it is the most stable OS available. It has come a long way since it's birth 20 or so years ago. Windows is so buggy and full of holes that sand-boxing it inside a rock solid, bullet-proof Linux environment makes a ton of sense to me.

Of course windows has come a long way too, and I do like 7.

You say two bad OSs, what do you use, Solaris? :laughing:

Seriously, tell me you're not a Mac fan, and even if you are, you know OSX is just another Unix-like Linux ripoff. Nobody better at ripping off software developers than Jobs and Gates, they are the pros.

Much love :)

rickss69 03-19-2010 11:49 PM

I like it...unlike mine, it is very clean. :)

Kal-EL 03-20-2010 12:16 AM

You were next on the "To Bag on" list ;)

Apache, don't look at me homie, I know nothing of linux, bsod or any of them fangled hacker boy os's. I've got a buddy tho that lives and breaths that stuff and he does some crazy shit with it.

Chuchnit 03-20-2010 01:44 AM

I like it. One of these days I'm going to try out unbuntu.

Kal-EL 03-20-2010 08:47 AM

Massman's face seems expressionless.

Bobnova 05-02-2010 06:06 PM

I like the dual boot route personally, that way if you're playing with your linux (i like Mint) and bork it you can just say screwit and run windows for a while. Or if windows gets eaten by the latest Killer Email Virus That Can Infect Your Computer Even Though You Opened The Email In Yahoo Mail, you can fire up linux, get your data out, and nuke the windows partition.

I just fixed my Mint install, here's a quick protip:
If you have proprietary drivers installed, uninstall them before changing GPU core manufacturers :P

I really should check last-post dates.
I look like a n00b :blink:

Kal-EL 05-02-2010 07:39 PM

Its o.k., happens alot with linux users :blink:


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