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Mr.Scott 03-12-2011 03:28 AM

HWB March challange
Giving them a run for their money again.;)
BTW, Brian, my entries are on one of your old 6800 GT's on my everyday rig. lol
I have better backups stashed. I have to count on other team members for the ATI submissions as I have no AGP boards better than NF2 to work with. We'll see how it goes. Not looking to win, just finishing in the top 5 would be good.

Witchdoctor 03-12-2011 04:21 AM


That's awsome Scott :thumbsup:

Ever find a use for those old Polarflow blocks ?

Tear it uP Classic Platforms ........................... :)

Splave 03-12-2011 04:22 AM

no AGP board here :(

Mr.Scott 03-12-2011 04:43 AM


Originally Posted by Witchdoctor (Post 73097)

Ever find a use for those old Polarflow blocks ?

Yup. Some of the other guys are using them on their chillers and what-not. CP members are the kings of cheap ingenuity.

Mr.Scott 03-12-2011 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by Splave (Post 73098)
no AGP board here :(

It's all good my friend. The Doc, Paco, and Sparkey all have good Intel AGP boards and Cedar Mills to dice. I'm sure one of them will come through. It just makes it a little harder 'cause I know the tweaks and they don't. Working on the education process now.:D

EDIT- and as always, the endless support we get from you guys is very much appreciated.:thumbsup:

Kal-EL 03-12-2011 06:18 AM


Neuromancer 03-12-2011 01:41 PM

I have not even seen an AGP board in a couple of years.

Tear it up Mr.Scott :)

Bones 03-12-2011 02:32 PM

Doing my part as best as I'm able. I'll be hitting the hardware store tomorrow for some stuff I'm hoping will help.
The ATI 9600 Pro AGP card I have is the only one that's worth doing it with and I don't have any others that qualify except for an older 9000 that's a PCI card, but it's really slow, nothing like the 9600 at all.

ny_driver 03-12-2011 02:47 PM

I've got an x850 pro, but I think my Neo2 Platinum is not working last time I tried.

Neuromancer 03-12-2011 03:34 PM

Hey, if you guys got AGP boards, I should open up some of my storage boxes. I might have a couple of really old cards for you guys to play with.

(MX2 era)

EDIT: Yeah I know it wont help with the challenge but...)

Bones 03-12-2011 06:00 PM

I can now say the 9600 is done. :deadhorse:

Yeah, I beat the crap out of it.

Well, it's not truly dead yet but it's clearly wounded and not able to bench now. Color lines on my screen, incomplete rendering of frames during a run and it also runs much slower when I try it.

Guess it time to go hunting for another one.

Neuromancer 03-12-2011 07:53 PM

Kill it Bonsey. At least it diod not have to go through a transporter :)

Mr.Scott 03-13-2011 03:52 AM

Got an AGP board coming.:good:
Now to find a 9800 Pro or XT. Pisses me off, I just sold one about a month ago.

Witchdoctor 03-13-2011 03:59 AM

Got an old geForce 3 Ti 500 sitting here

If that is any help I can send it up to you

LOL ...... remember when it was the end all solution :laughing:


Mr.Scott 03-13-2011 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by Witchdoctor (Post 73157)
Got an old geForce 3 Ti 500 sitting here

If that is any help I can send it up to you

LOL ...... remember when it was the end all solution :laughing:


A generous offer WD, but believe it or not, I have the exact same card sitting here. lol
Anyhow, I'm looking for a 9000 series AGP card for the challange. The rules are pretty specific. Best would be 9800, 9700, 9600.

Witchdoctor 03-13-2011 05:20 AM

Sorry bro,

nothing, my 9700 pro got plum worn out ..... and died an ugly death :ohcrap:

rickss69 03-13-2011 05:29 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I just found a 9600 Pro AGP 128mb sitting on my shelf...any help?

More links...

Bones 03-13-2011 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by rickss69 (Post 73161)

It would help.
Right now I'm also looking to find a PCI slot card since my hardware for AGP is kinda limited but with a PCI card, I could give them fits.
I do know they made them (Well, at least a few models anyway) since I have a 9200 LE PCI card I'm using to post this with but this particular card is crappy and won't be able to touch what's needed to get 'er done. :D

These may be hard to find but I'm sure one is out there somewhere.

How much would you want for the card Rick?

rickss69 03-13-2011 06:35 AM

Just cost of shipping will do buddy. :good: Who needs it the most or does not have a card?

Bones 03-13-2011 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by rickss69 (Post 73168)
Just cost of shipping will do buddy. :good: Who needs it the most or does not have a card?

You have a PM.

After poking around, looks like ATI only made PCI slot cards in the 9000 series with the 9000 and 9200 models, all others look to be AGP.

ny_driver 03-13-2011 05:12 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I forgot I have an ATI Radeon 9800 pro also sitting here some place if anyone is interested. :thumbsup:

Yup I found it...128mb.

Bones 03-14-2011 10:52 AM

Since I already have a 9600 Pro coming, Mr. Scott should get dibs on this one even if it's a better model.

Witchdoctor 03-14-2011 11:15 AM

Digging out the Retro ........ :thumbsup:

Mr.Scott 03-14-2011 12:51 PM

Just wanted to thank you both for your generous offers.
Dave, you have a PM at my house.
Also wanted to say that OCA as a whole is probably the most stand up community that I frequent, other than my own. You guys have a right to be proud. :thumbsup:
Outstanding bunch you have here Kal.

69_Goat 03-14-2011 01:27 PM

I also have a AGP 9600Pro sitting here.
It's a 256 MB model.

Let me know if someone needs it.

Bones 03-15-2011 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by rickss69 (Post 73253)
Bones - Just use mine and feel free to pass it around to whoever needs it. When you are done with it just mail it back to me. :thumbsup:

Will do Rick and as soon as I'm done with it, I'll send it back unless it's needed elsewhere.

Let me know if there's something you might need and if I can help, I will.

kikicoco1334 03-16-2011 06:15 AM

wait! there is a 6800GT that's pcie based! and i happen to have one of those :P
well i had two but during shipping one of them was damaged oh well...

Neuromancer 03-17-2011 08:18 AM


Found the ATOP for sale :)

(run AGP cards in PCIE slots :) )

Easy way to use Sandy Bridge for some old HW domination :)

rickss69 03-17-2011 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Neuromancer (Post 73436)

Found the ATOP for sale :)

(run AGP cards in PCIE slots :) )

Easy way to use Sandy Bridge for some old HW domination :)

Sounds good but it seems to be limited to a few specific AGP cards.

Splave 03-17-2011 09:32 AM

Mr.scott if you need ln2 you know where to find me :)

Neuromancer 03-17-2011 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by rickss69 (Post 73443)
Sounds good but it seems to be limited to a few specific AGP cards.

Yeah, I think that has to do with the physical construction than anything else.

I do not have any AGP cards or I would try it out.

(FYI Albatron did not make ATI cards back in 2005 when this was released hence only the nVidia models being "officially supported").

OC Maximus 03-17-2011 12:38 PM

Whats an AGP? :taunt:

Mr.Scott 03-18-2011 01:16 PM

Still hangin' in there. Thank you Sparkey.:)

rickss69 03-18-2011 07:23 PM

Way to hit it CP! :good:

Mr.Scott 03-27-2011 03:26 AM

Coming down to the wire. I sent some hardware to Sparkey and Shrimpy to get us back on the board in the Nv classes. We might actually have a shot at this.:clapping:

Kal-EL 03-27-2011 03:29 AM

OH man, thats a tight race! :scared:

Mr.Scott 03-27-2011 03:51 AM

You know as well as I do there are scores out there just waiting to be posted.;)
I'd like to think we have a shot, but in reality, finishing in the top 5 would be good for our little team.

Kal-EL 03-27-2011 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by Mr.Scott (Post 74225)
You know as well as I do there are scores out there just waiting to be posted.;)
I'd like to think we have a shot, but in reality, finishing in the top 5 would be good for our little team.

Helluva strong showing thusfar, much to be proud of in any event :thumbsup:

Mr.Scott 03-27-2011 04:11 AM


Originally Posted by Kal-EL (Post 74227)
Helluva strong showing thusfar, much to be proud of in any event :thumbsup:

We do allright. Our day will come.
As always, thanks for you guys support.:thumbsup:

Mr.Scott 03-29-2011 02:06 PM

Quick update, Shrimpy grenaded the 6800 GT I sent him, so it looks like team CP is dead in the water. O well......next time.:cool3:

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