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Reserved: 4U2doLN2 Contest
Coming Sunday to a overclocking team near you....perhaps the coolest frickin contest ever to grace these hallowed halls.
Think open to OCA team members with less than 450bts (personal total (the one in your sig) not team total). Think lowclock 2d test. Imagine winning an Asus Formula p55 board (with eraser insulation), an Intel 670 cpu capable of 6.5GHz+, a brand new OC edition Antec 1.2Kw psu, an Asus 5870 gpu, a set of pi black cas 7 Ram, an OCZ 60gb SSD. Oh and now a kingpin "Fatboy" gpu pot and a Koolance cpu pot to make it all go INSANELY FAST. All the details and contest rules announced this sunday. |
Thank you guys! You are givers! :thumbsup: :D
low clock....yesssssssss :D
is there any hardware limitations? can we get any hints on what we will need?
If it's 2D everyone will already have on hand what you need. :thumbsup:
Please be something oddball like 8m, cinebench or something. I'm tired of the same old shit. Oh ya, thanks for doing this guys.
You need a GTX 480 to get decent efficiency in SuperPi 32M & wPrime, PiFast on the other side prefers an old PCI card ( think Matrox, S3, Tseng Labs )
:D :D :D :D :D |
Update: We have received confirmation on some of the other components in the prize rig....so far. Prize will also include a set of PI Black cas 7 2000Mhz+ RAM and a 60GB OCZ SSD. |
this is gonna beat all the events this year!!!!
So its a winner take all thing?
Son of a bench!
Kool .......
Great Stuff Bren .............. :thumbsup: |
Awesome dude, and I won't be traveling during this one :)
Crazy man. Good luck guys!
Whataya mean "good luck guys"? Your not gonna jump on it?
Updated first post to reflect MORE prizes! I can't put into words how proud I am of our overclocking family here at OCA. My bros are literally burning up my battery with offers of product to add to the contest prize pool. Thankyou to all of you who have been so generous. It speaks volumes about the good people here. |
well good luck guys
it would be nice to know what going on but ill try my best to try my best with wut i got.... :thumbsup: would be nice if i had a cpu pot ;) and wow some sweet stuff for the winner |
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Terrific prize package, Guys!! :thumbsup::clapping:
Good luck to all that enter. Now, we just need contest details. As long as it's not a low clock challenge like this one at XS. The idea here is to run SuperPi 16K as slow as possible. This run I did Sunday night. I've got one going now thats into its 26th hour. :ohcrap: |
wow!!!!awesome, this is really gonna be a epic contest.......uber excited, :)
I was wishing good luck to all my fellow gladiators that are participating in this. I am ordering some RAM next week and should be good to go after that :good: |
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The board is a Shuttle/Spacewalker HOT-591P Socket 7. It has 2x SIMM & 2x DIMM sokets, AGP, 3x PCI, and 3x ISA. I have 4 CPUs for it, a P90, P100, P233, and the K6. I had to visit Classic Platforms to figure out how to hook up the AT PSU. Here's a pic of it running. |
Dang thats slow.. you running prime or something along side it to slow it down even more?
lol, :laughing: |
I've got the P100 in it downclocked to 90 MHz.
I went into bios and disabled both caches, and anything else that looked like it might help performance, including loosening ram timings. I have prime95 running at high priority, 500 loops of linX at normal priority (I think), Task Manager open at below normal, and SuperPi at low priority. After 27 hrs, it has run through 87 loops of LinX. I should be good for about 140 hrs total. I'm hoping Spi finishes before then. This thing in stock form runs Spi 16k in about 10 secs. |
Sputnik 1 !! :D |
You know what would REALLY kill it... Load up a flash website :) heh heh |
damn chuch you are telepathic mate, get out of my head
http://erroraccessdenied.com/files/i...en.preview.jpg Always happy to give back to you guys :) and we have some pretty generous dudes here. The cpu is cherry, I will be more than happy to help you ramp it up and give settings help. Guys please try to win this, its anyones game. You are looking at more than 1k worth of goodies. We chose a bench that takes tweaking skill as well as clocking skill. You will need to do your research for sure (goes to delete submission so I can participate ;) ) |
any hardware restrictions? I need to know what to buy so I can walk away with this one because my rig now isn't 2d worthy :)
I think its only fair to give you guys a few details right now.
There will be a maximum speed of somewhere between 4-5GHz and we will allow only water or air on the board/cpu. As for hardware restrictions, you will be able to use any cpu/mobo/ram/gpu combo you wish as long as it is only ambient cooled and your cpu does not exceed our limit. All of you will also be required to use our desktop background and have a photo of your bench rig with the monitor with that desktop in the background. We will have run sims with our best iterations, so we will know what to look for to keep everyone flying straight...not that we feel it will become an issue with our boys, but this is a big deal and we realize whats at stake. Also there will be TWO benchmarks and your scores will be added, so the lowest overall time takes the trophy. To mix it up, we will be offering a added prize for the overclocker who holds the top spots the longest during the contest, so don't sandbag or procrastinate. I will expand on all of the details on Sunday.:thumbsup: |
can i use my tap water? i don't have a pump..but i can use city water pump :D
Same rig for both benches? (Not that it will be an issue for me, I doubt my AMD setup will have any chance of competing LOL)
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