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thebanik 06-17-2012 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by DOM (Post 92916)
First time using vaseline and it was starting out good kids still alseep lol, going to test new cpu and BAM vrm blew :scared:

idk if it was cuz i took off the vrm hs and put vaseline or what but MB is dead and idk what else :shock:

was just cooling it down -50c 1.5 in OS

my hand and room still smells burnt :ohcrap:

looks like im out for a while unless i sell a cpu or gpu or asus can give me a MVE or a kid :laughing:

update mem is good and cpu is dead pullhair

Happy Fathers Day

That was your RMA Cpu right??? And your best CPU is still intact??

I hope you didnt put vaseline on the HS, :P.

DOM 06-17-2012 04:28 PM

Yeah my other cpu is okay and it was thr cpu i got from rma :P

I removed the hs and put vaseline every where and heated it up till it melted and let it sit then put the hs back on

And started it up to make sure it would boot then shut it off then started to pour the ln2 to cool it down the set 105*50 1.5v

Then saw something glowing but it was to late it shut off

Mem is okay buy mb and cpu are toast it just powers up then off :(

Wonder if they rma a rma cpu :laughing: or just get that oc insurance

Kal-EL 06-18-2012 05:04 AM

What glowed? Happy Father's Day bro!

DOM 06-18-2012 07:57 AM

the vrm before it blew up in smoke XD

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