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DOM 06-09-2012 11:50 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Thanks bro i was hoping for better :laughing:

look mom no wazza :rofl


thebanik 06-09-2012 12:06 PM

Go go go DOM........where is pifast and superpi??? and wprime possible at what clocks???

DOM 06-09-2012 12:12 PM

its seems lil weaker then my first so dont think ill beat my old scores :P

and im done got frost in the 1st mem slot FML going to have to let it dry out im thinking of just filling it with vas even though i dont wanna lol

Splave 06-09-2012 02:23 PM

pop the ihs off that sucker

pffffffffffff jk :) sick! you're magic bro :)

DOM 06-09-2012 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Splave (Post 92765)
pop the ihs off that sucker

pffffffffffff jk :) sick! you're magic bro :)

thanks bro i already did :ohcrap:

jking :laugh:

so does it matter how much vas i use in the 1st mem slot ?

going to test the 2nd one tomorrow

GFDuke 06-09-2012 04:01 PM

3 Attachment(s)
all of a sudden now i lost my multi? Even in the bios? Highest it will go is 39. ftmfl.

You can see in the 2nd ss that i had 50x enabled via my saved profile but its not really 50x.
I think you are right Splave. (saw your post at the bot) I tried single core this afternoon and thats when it happened. I tried to flash the board but that didn't happen. I'll try and flash to an older bios and then back.

Splave 06-09-2012 04:50 PM

^duke there is a fix I will send it to you but not back to the office till monday

DOM 06-10-2012 08:00 AM

So how do you use vas in the dimm slots ?

Never used vas before but tired of the slots frosting over :P

GFDuke 06-10-2012 08:20 AM

Here is a nice guide Shambo just put up over at KPC.

DOM 06-10-2012 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by GFDuke (Post 92770)
Here is a nice guide Shambo just put up over at KPC.

thanks bro :thumbsup:

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