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Chuchnit 03-28-2011 01:05 AM

Very nice score indeed!

GeorgeStorm 03-28-2011 02:36 AM

This sounds like it could be fun :) (can I enter? don't think I saw anything about international)
Even though it's unlikely I'll win (very unlikely :P) it's all going to a good cause anywho :)
Shall transfer monies now (to my papyal, takes like a week, then onto you)

Kal-EL 03-28-2011 02:41 AM

Sure thing georgee :)

Heres our list of usual criminals so far (lots internationals have united):
Prize Eligible Contestants (Verified Contributors):

  1. Bones (Classicplatforms)
  2. Rogue210 (OCAlliance)
  3. Rickss69 (OCAlliance)
  4. Mr.Scott (ClassicPlatforms)
  5. Splave (OCAlliance)
  6. Witchdoctor (OCAlliance)
  7. Patch (OCAlliance)
  8. OC Maximus (OCAlliance)
  9. johnamd (Chios Overclockers.gr)
  10. Gnidaol (I2I3 Impacto Overclocking Team-Brazil)
  11. Bobanova (OC-Forums-U.S.)
  12. Vivi (Team South Africa-S.A.)
  13. Chuchnit (OCAlliance-U.S.)
  14. TheBanik (OCAlliance-India)
  15. sumonpathak (Team ERODOV-India)
  16. SniperOZ (i4Memory.com-Australia)
  17. Zoro (Hellas King Team- Greece)
  18. Vaykir (PC Games Hardware-Germany)
  19. Massman (Madshrimps Belgium OC team & Hwbot)

GeorgeStorm 03-28-2011 02:46 AM

Gave in and just did it from my funds already there, mitx/LAN build will have to wait a little while longer :)
And I just realised I didn't send my name with it, I wrote a bit saying thanks etc, titled dear superman :P (should narrow it down to me hopefully :P)

Kal-EL 03-28-2011 02:57 AM

Make that a whopping 21 supporters of OC4 JAPAN! :thumbsup::good::hug:

Prize Eligible Contestants (Verified Contributors):

  1. Bones (Classicplatforms)
  2. Rogue210 (OCAlliance)
  3. Rickss69 (OCAlliance)
  4. Mr.Scott (ClassicPlatforms)
  5. Splave (OCAlliance)
  6. Witchdoctor (OCAlliance)
  7. Patch (OCAlliance)
  8. OC Maximus (OCAlliance)
  9. johnamd (Chios Overclockers.gr)
  10. Gnidaol (I2I3 Impacto Overclocking Team-Brazil)
  11. Bobanova (OC-Forums-U.S.)
  12. Vivi (Team South Africa-S.A.)
  13. Chuchnit (OCAlliance-U.S.)
  14. TheBanik (OCAlliance-India)
  15. sumonpathak (Team ERODOV-India)
  16. SniperOZ (i4Memory.com-Australia)
  17. Zoro (Hellas King Team- Greece)
  18. Vaykir (PC Games Hardware-Germany)
  19. Massman (Madshrimps Belgium OC team & Hwbot)
  20. GeorgeStorm (Bench Tec UK)
  21. saint19 (OC Forums-Columbia)

StrategosSan 03-28-2011 03:35 AM


Originally Posted by Kal-EL (Post 74280)

:welcome: to OCA StrategoSan :good:
No apologize, Traducteur de Google peut nous aider à comprendre eachother. Faites moi savoir si vous avez des problèmes et je vais essayer de vous aider.

Thanks Kal-El, but google translator is a bit crappy :poke:
The sentence it translated in french doesn't mean anything :)

Kal-EL 03-28-2011 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by StrategosSan (Post 74343)
Thanks Kal-El, but google translator is a bit crappy :poke:
The sentence it translated in french doesn't mean anything :)

Hehe, I get points for tryin right? :rofl

StrategosSan 03-28-2011 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by Kal-EL (Post 74345)
Hehe, I get points for tryin right? :rofl

Of course! :D
No problem, just tell me if you can't understand what I write :keeporder:

Edit : 20 donations for the first day, very nice! Hope to see at least 100!

Bobnova 03-28-2011 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by Kal-EL (Post 74315)
Hey bob, wuts the max on this chip?

5408 so far, but I don't think I've maxed it out yet. It's scaling with volts even from 1.66 to 1.7vcore.

Bones 03-28-2011 10:35 AM

Terrific runs guys!

I'll try and hang towards the bottom of the rankings - Wait a sec....... No, I won't have to try too hard! :Dizzy: :laughing:

Yeah, I'll be hanging by a thread since 3D benching isn't my "Thing" .
No way this old card will keep up but at least I have a chance (And excuse) to find out what it's capable of.

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