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Bobnova 03-27-2011 11:17 AM

I sent some cash, I think this is a fantastic idea. Plus contests are fun to compete in.

StrategosSan 03-27-2011 12:46 PM

Hi guys, i'm new here.

I'm french, from Overclocking-Master forum.
I wanted to congratulate you for this great idea :ola:
I will be in for sure and I will motivate people from my team to participate too.
Very good initiative once again.

Now let's GT200 and Hypers rule this contest :D

PS: sorry for my english, if I make mistake, please apaologize.

Splave 03-27-2011 01:19 PM

thanks for joining everyone

Chuchnit 03-27-2011 02:45 PM

Entry fee sent. Ordering the parts to play tomorrow. :D Thanks a million for Kal_EL, the contestants, and all the sponsers for making this happen!

Kal-EL 03-27-2011 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Gnidaol (Post 74265)
I'm in! =)

Thank you my brother from I2I3 :thumbsup:

Originally Posted by rickss69 (Post 74262)
It is very weird tho...says post submissions here and then you have HWBot. Perhaps bolder letters would help?

EDIT: I made a post on the discussion thread about it. Just thinking out loud, overseas shipping might be a killer. :ohcrap:

Bones just made a submission for SPI 32M with a Sempron 140 and a Lightning...:taunt:

Yes, we are eating international shipping costs for the cause! :good:

Originally Posted by johnamd (Post 74266)
and I will participate, not on top but

:welcome: to OCA johnamd, thank you for your support!

Originally Posted by Bobnova (Post 74270)
I sent some cash, I think this is a fantastic idea. Plus contests are fun to compete in.

Wuddup Bob-o-rino! :laughing: Happy to see you jumping in the mix :clapping:

Originally Posted by StrategosSan (Post 74271)
Hi guys, i'm new here.

I'm french, from Overclocking-Master forum.
I wanted to congratulate you for this great idea :ola:
I will be in for sure and I will motivate people from my team to participate too.
Very good initiative once again.

Now let's GT200 and Hypers rule this contest :D

PS: sorry for my english, if I make mistake, please apaologize.

:welcome: to OCA StrategoSan :good:
No apologize, Traducteur de Google peut nous aider à comprendre eachother. Faites moi savoir si vous avez des problèmes et je vais essayer de vous aider.

Kal-EL 03-27-2011 03:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Update to prize listings,
5 licenses donated by
Attachment 4868

Added to random giveaway list! :good:
Thank you Fiery!

Kal-EL 03-27-2011 07:27 PM

O.k. we got saint19 squared away, soon to be verified contestant :good:

Kal-EL 03-27-2011 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by Bobnova (Post 74313)
Ok here's a terrible spi32m run on my 24/7 stuff:


Attachment 4871

Hey bob, wuts the max on this chip?

Kal-EL 03-27-2011 09:19 PM

Don't know how to effectively bench 3Dmark2001SE? Vivi's guide be your path
Having trouble with using copywaza effectively in Super PI 32m? Check out the waza tweaks on the Overclockaholics Channel

Kal-EL 03-28-2011 01:04 AM

@ SniperOZ, nice jump into the lead for 3Dmark2001 SE bro :good:

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