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DOM 08-25-2010 05:55 AM


Think open to OCA team members with less than 450bts
so i cant play :(

its your guys fault i been trying to get more team points :laughing:

RomDominance 08-25-2010 06:01 AM

Read the first post Dom. Your personal total as it would appear in your bot sig. So if you do not have more than 150 global (with the max of 300 hardware boints allowed by hwbot)= You are good to run buddy!

As for different rigs, I think you can use anything you want for each test as long as it is ambient cooled. ie NO chilled water, pouring ln2 on nb cooler or cpu cooler, ect..

FACE 08-25-2010 06:13 AM

oh wow... That means I can play too? :blink:

Hondacity 08-25-2010 06:14 AM

oh nice thanks for setting the bar to include me ...:cool2:

RomDominance 08-25-2010 06:48 AM

For the boint impaired
1 Attachment(s)
If your name does or would appear below the redline, you can and should win this thing!
Attachment 2878

Hondacity 08-25-2010 07:03 AM

woot i'm the underdog :D

DOM 08-25-2010 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by RomDominance (Post 51958)
Read the first post Dom. Your personal total as it would appear in your bot sig. So if you do not have more than 150 global (with the max of 300 hardware boints allowed by hwbot)= You are good to run buddy!

As for different rigs, I think you can use anything you want for each test as long as it is ambient cooled. ie NO chilled water, pouring ln2 on nb cooler or cpu cooler, ect..


my hwbot sig hasnt work for a while so i never use it

rickss69 08-25-2010 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by DOM (Post 51975)

my hwbot sig hasnt work for a while so i never use it

DOM - Your points total is 370.60

thebanik 08-25-2010 10:45 AM

by sunday, my points should drop below 450 points, :P

Hondacity 08-25-2010 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by thebanik (Post 52000)
by sunday, my points should drop below 450 points, :P

you and kal :D

Kal-EL 08-25-2010 10:58 AM

I can't drop below the OCA top ten or I get flogged by the wife :smackbum:

Hondacity 08-25-2010 11:18 AM

no excuse is acceptable...tweakbench or else!

DOM 08-25-2010 12:32 PM

so is there going to be a start and end time ?

Kal-EL 08-25-2010 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by DOM (Post 52016)
so is there going to be a start and end time ?

Yep, thats not ready yet, getting all the stuff organized, stand by for announcement soon :D

Witchdoctor 08-25-2010 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by Hondacity (Post 52001)
you and kal :D

LOL, Kal and Banik cough ...sandbagging... cough to get under the line ...........:laughing:

GFDuke 08-25-2010 02:38 PM

All i can say is you guys better bench your asses off. This is some sweet prize and there is going to be some tough competition. I'll be watching this with a passion.


punx223 08-25-2010 02:44 PM

I will officially state that I plan on competing in this... and BTW I DONT sandbag as most of you know, so whats posted will be my best score....

way to light the fire on me guys... Im actually excited to be benching again, I hope its early sunday announcement so I can at least try to do something before the weekend is over....

work week is far too busy, and I work far too late to bench :(

but believe me I will try:ohcrap:

good luck guys im shaking the dust off...

BTW sorry I havent benched but I dont really have a pot anymore to bench and dont have a SS that can handle a good load

GFDuke 08-25-2010 02:48 PM

Winning this will help that.

kikicoco1334 08-25-2010 02:58 PM


punx223 08-25-2010 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by GFDuke (Post 52027)
Winning this will help that.

meh win or not will be one helluva fight :)

in reality i still have the duniek pot, but the mounting collar for it broke so im just pissed about that :(

DrNip 08-25-2010 04:33 PM

My luck my 8 pin and 24 pin cables won't be in by Saturday leaving me PC-less on Sunday. Maybe the o wifey will let me bench on her HTPC. :blush:

Patch 08-25-2010 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by punx223 (Post 52031)
in reality i still have the duniek pot, but the mounting collar for it broke so im just pissed about that :(

This: http://www.photonomikon.com/wp-conte...ting-board.jpg

+ a jigsaw (or even a sheetrock knife) is all you need for home grown collar.

My hold down broke early on. Here's the cutting board special:


Hondacity 08-25-2010 06:37 PM

thats epic patch

RomDominance 08-25-2010 06:40 PM

^This^ or you could whip one out of 1/2" mdf in 5 minutes, like OC and I did for that convention we did here in Tucson...worked great. Either way you can't use extreme cooling in this contest. The koolance will ship with everything you need to do extreme correctly right down to the backer board and 1/2 mobo sized foam sheet;)

Also btw, the contest BEGINS on Sunday and you guys will have plenty of time to battle it out or get the parts you need to be competitive...no worries.:clapping:

HITandRUN 08-26-2010 03:14 PM

Go! Go! You such a teaser! :D

Neuromancer 08-27-2010 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by RomDominance (Post 52056)
^This^ or you could whip one out of 1/2" mdf in 5 minutes, like OC and I did for that convention we did here in Tucson...worked great. Either way you can't use extreme cooling in this contest. The koolance will ship with everything you need to do extreme correctly right down to the backer board and 1/2 mobo sized foam sheet;)

Also btw, the contest BEGINS on Sunday and you guys will have plenty of time to battle it out or get the parts you need to be competitive...no worries.:clapping:

On AMD I used the plastic socket as the hold down when running hte jank pot. I put it over the existing hold down and rand the bolts down to the backplate rather than up through the hold downs.

Felt better to me

MaadDaawg 08-29-2010 03:45 AM

ummm ....


rickss69 08-29-2010 04:45 AM

Sitting here ready to bench with no instructions... :scared:

FACE 08-29-2010 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by rickss69 (Post 52381)
Sitting here ready to bench with no instructions... :scared:

Well, "when in doubt I whip it out, 'cause I got me a rock n roll band. It's a free-for-all."

GFDuke 08-29-2010 05:36 AM

All dressed up and no place to go? lol patience my friend

rickss69 08-29-2010 05:41 AM

No time to bench on the week days...:thumbdown:

RomDominance 08-29-2010 05:51 AM

Sorry guys, but the contest begins at 8pm mst...roughly 11 hours from now. That way you will have all day Sunday to bench at the end of this thing.

DOM 08-29-2010 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by RomDominance (Post 52388)
Sorry guys, but the contest begins at 8pm mst...roughly 11 hours from now. That way you will have all day Sunday to bench at the end of this thing.

:Dizzy: thats more like a few hrs for me cuz its sundaay today :laughing:

Splave 08-29-2010 06:09 AM

what rom means is you will have 3 weeks to bench and a full sunday on the last day

DOM 08-29-2010 06:11 AM

but where bored and wanted to start already :(

DrNip 08-29-2010 06:30 AM

I just need to know the when, what and how so I can make necessary arrangements. :D

Splave 08-29-2010 06:32 AM

8pm mountain time, 11pm eastern time

RomDominance 08-29-2010 06:33 AM

Unfortunately there is a time element to this thing as the leader each day will receive a point for each test he or she leads for that day. The OCA'r with the most points will get a gift certificate to the egg for workin hard and pushing the field of competitors. I am tellin you guys, this contest is worth the wait.

You know you could be perfecting your SPi tweaks while your waiting.....:shock:

FACE 08-29-2010 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by Splave (Post 52397)
8pm mountain time, 11pm eastern time

10pm est, 9pm cst, 8pm mst, 7pm pst.


Neuromancer 08-29-2010 06:37 AM

I should be up and benching next weekend. Glad this thing is going to last 3 weeks :)

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