View Full Version : Rampage II Extreme limitations ?
07-12-2009, 06:03 AM
Aloha bro's,
I have a ASUS Rampage II Extreme that was an ass kicking board when I had the 965 extreme in it but is pretty much of a dog since I put in the D0 stepping 920. The overclocking controls are setup to a lot of work for you, which is screwed once you're used to fine tuning an EVGA Classified :( I can't get thing over 4.5 gigs w/o HT while others are getting 4.8 on the classy's.
Any tips, tricks, or suggestions ( I'm leaning towards selling it right now:morpheus: )
ASUS techs have told me you can overclock the proc OR the ram, but not both and that seems to be the case... which ummm.. kinda sucks.. bigtime!!!!
Any thoughts would be appreciated :)
07-12-2009, 11:56 AM
What makes you think it's the board, not the cpu ?
You said it was great with a 965, have you run the 920 in another board ?
If so, how did it go in that ?
07-12-2009, 11:58 AM
That sucks Maddawg, how much time did you put into the board so far?
07-18-2009, 03:33 AM
Way too much Kal, way too much :(
Don't think it's the 920 but I haven't tried it in another board yet. The 965 ran strong in the Classified as well. I'm totally convinced it's the locked proc that the R2E doesn't like. PLUS, ASUS themselves told me I couldn't OC both the CPU and the RAM and that's proven to be true with both procs- the clock speeds of the 965 are what made it acceptable on the R2E.
On the Classified, I can OC both my proc and my RAM well beyond their ratings with now problems.
If it's the 920, I'll know once I mount it on the new Classy :)
07-18-2009, 04:17 AM
You can overclock both the RAM and CPU at the same time. You can not use the automatic OC of both at the same time. Asus tech support sucks and are clueless. I have not had much experience with my 975 on the R2E however my 965 was good with that board for moderate OC's up to around 4.7 - 4.8 for 3d benching on LN2 and Dice. I never discovered what setting would really make the board kick. From reviewing HWBOT scores it seems my board performed on par with the rest. QPI/DRAM is the same as CPU Vtt on the classy. Have you rried running that around 1.525 - 1.575 for high base clocks?
Aloha bro's,
I have a ASUS Rampage II Extreme that was an ass kicking board when I had the 965 extreme in it but is pretty much of a dog since I put in the D0 stepping 920. The overclocking controls are setup to a lot of work for you, which is screwed once you're used to fine tuning an EVGA Classified :( I can't get thing over 4.5 gigs w/o HT while others are getting 4.8 on the classy's.
Any tips, tricks, or suggestions ( I'm leaning towards selling it right now:morpheus: )
ASUS techs have told me you can overclock the proc OR the ram, but not both and that seems to be the case... which ummm.. kinda sucks.. bigtime!!!!
Any thoughts would be appreciated :)