View Full Version : BFG GeForce GTX295 H2OC & GTX285OCFU

07-08-2009, 12:23 AM
http://i6.techpowerup.com/images/news/bfg.gif (javascript:g_relatedNews.ShowIcon(98743))
http://tpucdn.com/images/transparent.1.gif BFG Intros GeForce GTX 295 H2OC and GeForce GTX 285 OCFU Video Cards (http://www.techpowerup.com/98743/BFG_Intros_GeForce_GTX_295_H2OC_and_GeForce_GTX_28 5_OCFU_Video_Cards.html)
BFG Technologies, the leading North American and European supplier of advanced NVIDIA-based 3D graphics cards, power supplies, and the Phobos High-Performance Gaming/Home Theater System, announced today the launch of two new additions to BFG’s GeForce family, the BFG GeForce GTX 295 H2OC with ThermoIntelligence Water Cooling Solution and BFG GeForce GTX 285 OCFU graphics cards that both offer outstanding PC gaming performance.

http://tpucdn.com/img/09-07-08/gtx295h2oc_angle_lg_thm.jpg (http://www.techpowerup.com/img/09-07-08/gtx295h2oc_angle_lg.jpg) http://tpucdn.com/img/09-07-08/gtx295h2oc_back_lg_thm.jpg (http://www.techpowerup.com/img/09-07-08/gtx295h2oc_back_lg.jpg) http://tpucdn.com/img/09-07-08/gtx285ocfu_angle_lg_thm.jpg (http://www.techpowerup.com/img/09-07-08/gtx285ocfu_angle_lg.jpg) http://tpucdn.com/img/09-07-08/gtx285ocfu_etailbox_lg_thm.jpg (http://www.techpowerup.com/img/09-07-08/gtx285ocfu_etailbox_lg.jpg)

» Read full story (http://www.techpowerup.com/98743/BFG_Intros_GeForce_GTX_295_H2OC_and_GeForce_GTX_28 5_OCFU_Video_Cards.html) TECHPOWERUP! (http://www.techpowerup.com/98743/BFG_Intros_GeForce_GTX_295_H2OC_and_GeForce_GTX_28 5_OCFU_Video_Cards.html)

07-08-2009, 01:55 AM
Im really lovin' that fullcower on the 295 ohcrap

07-08-2009, 02:01 AM
That is sweet. That's a new term for me from BFG OCFU? Sounds like BFG is cussing me out!

"Yeah it's Overclocked so F U! :taunt:



07-08-2009, 02:03 AM
The 295 looks fantastic!!!The 285 is a standard cooler one...

07-08-2009, 05:23 AM
They prolly are cussin u out as BFG Stand for Big Fackin Gaming :thumbsup:

07-08-2009, 05:25 AM
They prolly are cussin u out as BFG Stand for Big Fackin Gaming :thumbsup:

Lol man lol:laughing:

07-08-2009, 05:44 AM
yea i must say that is lol.

overclocked F* U edition

07-08-2009, 10:02 AM
They prolly are cussin u out as BFG Stand for Big Fackin Gaming :thumbsup:

Heh my favorite weapon from doom BFG-9000 :)

07-08-2009, 12:18 PM
yea i must say that is lol.

overclocked F* U edition


Mean Machine
07-08-2009, 02:58 PM
Well, it's gotta be a reply towards eVGA's FTW versions or something... I imagine a conversation like this:
- Well, we've got our new ultra-great mega-phat FTW, you'll never beat that!
- Err... FU!