07-03-2009, 08:15 AM
Hi all :)
Below are the 3D Mark 2001 - 2006 result formula's:
Thanks to K404 for these:
His original thread is > here < (
3DMark2001 Calculation Formula
(Game Tests Low x 10) + [(Game Tests High + Nature) x 20]
3DMark2003 Calculation Formula
(GT1 FPS x 7.3) + (GT2 FPS x 37) + (GT3 FPS x 47.1) + (GT4 FPS x 38.7)
3DMark2005 Calculation Formula
[(GT1 FPS + GT2 FPS + GT3 FPS) / 3] x 250
3DMark2006 Calculation Formula
2.5 x (1 / [(1.7 / [( SM2.0 Score + HDR/SM3.0 Score ) x 0.5]) + 0.3 / CPU Score) / 2])
OR another way of looking at it...
The 3D Mark Vantage formula was found at Extremetech:
(from Xtremetech (,2845,2289656,00.asp))
There are four main tests in 3DMark Vantage. The first two are GPU-heavy graphics tests, the next two are CPU tests (measuring AI and physics calculations, respectively). These are combined to form a GPU score and a CPU score, which are in turn combined to form a final 3DMark graphics score. The scoring formulas are as follows:
* GPU score = (Test 1 scaling constant x Test 1 FPS) + (Test 2 scaling constant x Test 2 FPS)
* CPU score = (Test 1 scaling constant x Test 1 ops per second) + (Test 2 scaling constant x Test 2 ops per second)
Frames per second is pretty obvious, but what's all this business about scaling constants and operations per second? Well, the scaling constants are:
* GPU Test 1—173.61 (2500 divided by 14.4)
* GPU Test 2—163.78 (2500 divided by 14.9)
* CPU Test 1—5.23 (2500 divided by 477.9)
* CPU Test 2—208 (2500 divided by 12.0)
The CPU tests are measuring not frames per second, but the number of AI and physics operations per second, respectively. It would seem that the AI test, Test 1, is multiplied by a much lower constant than the physics test, Test 2. This lopsided multiplication rate is due to the fact that modern machines will perform many more AI operations per second than physics ops. We'll get into those when we look at each test in detail.
The final 3DMark Vantage score will vary depending on which preset is used. The base formula for the total 3DMark score is:
* 3DMark Score = (Weighted Graphics + Weighted CPU) ÷ ((Weighted Graphics / Graphics Score) + (Weighted CPU / CPU Score))
In other words, it's the weighted graphics plus CPU scores, divided by the ratio of weighted graphics and CPU scores to the raw graphics and CPU scores. To make things more complicated, the weights change for each preset, as follows:
Weighted GPU 0.75/ 0.75 /0.85/ 0.95
Weighted CPU 0.25/ 0.25/ 0.15/ 0.05
It's all a bit of complicated math, but the gist of it is this: For the Entry and Performance presets, the CPU test scores are about a quarter of the overall score. The CPU part falls to 15% in the High preset, and only 5% of the Extreme preset. Combined with the higher graphics settings, it's clear that the CPU becomes an ever-shrinking part of the overall 3DMark score as you move to higher level presets.
Auqamark 3 result formula direct from the original docs ( (alert 5.3mb pdf):
Aquamark Calculation Formula
The total score is based on the average frames per second which is the total number of frames divided by the time the benchmark needs to complete. The AvgFPS value is multiplied by 1000 and the result is the AquaMark3 total score.
Thanks to all who figured these formula's out or at least presented them in a way that makes sense to me! :p
Below are the 3D Mark 2001 - 2006 result formula's:
Thanks to K404 for these:
His original thread is > here < (
3DMark2001 Calculation Formula
(Game Tests Low x 10) + [(Game Tests High + Nature) x 20]
3DMark2003 Calculation Formula
(GT1 FPS x 7.3) + (GT2 FPS x 37) + (GT3 FPS x 47.1) + (GT4 FPS x 38.7)
3DMark2005 Calculation Formula
[(GT1 FPS + GT2 FPS + GT3 FPS) / 3] x 250
3DMark2006 Calculation Formula
2.5 x (1 / [(1.7 / [( SM2.0 Score + HDR/SM3.0 Score ) x 0.5]) + 0.3 / CPU Score) / 2])
OR another way of looking at it...
The 3D Mark Vantage formula was found at Extremetech:
(from Xtremetech (,2845,2289656,00.asp))
There are four main tests in 3DMark Vantage. The first two are GPU-heavy graphics tests, the next two are CPU tests (measuring AI and physics calculations, respectively). These are combined to form a GPU score and a CPU score, which are in turn combined to form a final 3DMark graphics score. The scoring formulas are as follows:
* GPU score = (Test 1 scaling constant x Test 1 FPS) + (Test 2 scaling constant x Test 2 FPS)
* CPU score = (Test 1 scaling constant x Test 1 ops per second) + (Test 2 scaling constant x Test 2 ops per second)
Frames per second is pretty obvious, but what's all this business about scaling constants and operations per second? Well, the scaling constants are:
* GPU Test 1—173.61 (2500 divided by 14.4)
* GPU Test 2—163.78 (2500 divided by 14.9)
* CPU Test 1—5.23 (2500 divided by 477.9)
* CPU Test 2—208 (2500 divided by 12.0)
The CPU tests are measuring not frames per second, but the number of AI and physics operations per second, respectively. It would seem that the AI test, Test 1, is multiplied by a much lower constant than the physics test, Test 2. This lopsided multiplication rate is due to the fact that modern machines will perform many more AI operations per second than physics ops. We'll get into those when we look at each test in detail.
The final 3DMark Vantage score will vary depending on which preset is used. The base formula for the total 3DMark score is:
* 3DMark Score = (Weighted Graphics + Weighted CPU) ÷ ((Weighted Graphics / Graphics Score) + (Weighted CPU / CPU Score))
In other words, it's the weighted graphics plus CPU scores, divided by the ratio of weighted graphics and CPU scores to the raw graphics and CPU scores. To make things more complicated, the weights change for each preset, as follows:
Weighted GPU 0.75/ 0.75 /0.85/ 0.95
Weighted CPU 0.25/ 0.25/ 0.15/ 0.05
It's all a bit of complicated math, but the gist of it is this: For the Entry and Performance presets, the CPU test scores are about a quarter of the overall score. The CPU part falls to 15% in the High preset, and only 5% of the Extreme preset. Combined with the higher graphics settings, it's clear that the CPU becomes an ever-shrinking part of the overall 3DMark score as you move to higher level presets.
Auqamark 3 result formula direct from the original docs ( (alert 5.3mb pdf):
Aquamark Calculation Formula
The total score is based on the average frames per second which is the total number of frames divided by the time the benchmark needs to complete. The AvgFPS value is multiplied by 1000 and the result is the AquaMark3 total score.
Thanks to all who figured these formula's out or at least presented them in a way that makes sense to me! :p