View Full Version : No benching for a couple of days..

07-02-2009, 05:52 AM
Well I bought a DMM yesterday.

Came home and tried a pencil mod on my good 4850.

Destroyed it :( (corrupt 2D screen 3d does not work at all)

Put the old one back in and decided, ok.. I can not compete in 3d anywway... so will just run some 2D benches. I was on HWbot, someone on water managed to beat my air cooled cpuz run by 10MHz pullhair

Installed the new Blade sticks of ram did not spend the time to get to know the ram and went for it :p

Now I have an entire rig that will not boot up. :(

On a positive note if the blades are any good I will be getting my 920 back online and trying for 4GHz on air with that :) But it will not be for a couple of days. (The asus board sucks for BUS clocking, my Foxconn however does much better : ))

Since I will not be home for a few days (going to dog sit at my aunts house). This is getting put off.

I am goign to try and build a portrable bench table while I am there, and I will bring a heatsink and maybe try clocking that 3400 Venice that is there :)

Needless to say, yesterday was a bad day for me with Hardware :( Hoping the future is a little more kind :)

(I will still be around the forums lurking and reading though :) )

07-02-2009, 05:53 AM
Sounds like you have the blues like I am. I have never had so many probs or RMA's like I have with this I7 platform.

07-02-2009, 05:55 AM
Very sorry to hear about your H-woes bro. I hope u have some relax time at your aunts and please take some build shots of anything you create so we can share in the experience.

I'm sure with more time, you can revive that motherboard and figure out whats the deal. I'm waiting on Vince to become available for another order of F1EE pots for the community pot and stuff. Let you know when thats a go.

07-02-2009, 06:06 AM
Hope u have a nice couple of days to relax....would love to see pics when u build ur portable bench!

07-02-2009, 07:28 AM

Packing now, ended up having to bring so much stuff to fix other peoples computers (gotta solder new power port on my cousins laptop, bring enough parts to try and OC that 3400 (heh heh) plus KB/M and monitor, PSU.. I just said screw it and packed my busted ass stuff too lol. So I do not know how much relaxing I will get done... Hoping I just fried the CPU and not the mobo. (CPU was cheaper lol)

Then again, I could RMA the mobo, just not the CPU since it has been used and abused.

Charging up the camera now, so I will definitly take pics. Might have a lot of jobs to do up there.. so will see how much "me" time I get lol

(oh, bonus, my aunt has a portable AC unit, I may HAVE to get the rig up and running just so I can see how she does with cool air :) )

07-02-2009, 07:55 AM
Too bad to hear that :( l also destroyed two sets of micron D9 RAMs and a 9800GT card during one bench session. Chcek my portable bench table in cases section :D its pretty easy and cheap to build :D

07-02-2009, 07:59 AM
I killed my biostar 4 weeks ago
Got the RMA working today
So i know how it feels
Not good.

07-02-2009, 09:47 AM
Too bad to hear that :( l also destroyed two sets of micron D9 RAMs and a 9800GT card during one bench session. Chcek my portable bench table in cases section :D its pretty easy and cheap to build :D

I am planning something with detachable top for it to keep kids fingers away from it and make it more durable during transportation.

Your portable bench is definitly useful looking though, it just does not meet my needs.

Yah I killed a biostar board about 6 years ago. Just got a new one and tossed it in my closet.

Pulled it out two years later and it worked fine lol