View Full Version : Maximus Formula + E8600=6180MHz
06-29-2009, 05:35 AM
Hi guys
couple days ago we had a LanParty in Georgia and during the OC contest we managed to overclock Maximus Formula to the amazing speeds:
618MHz NB on air :)
CPU under LN2
Other results:
next time we will bench with NB under LN2
I think we can get 630FSB and more
06-29-2009, 05:42 AM
Hubba hubba :confused1:
Nice :trophy: wheres teh batch info?
06-29-2009, 05:57 AM
CPU Batch: Q822A435
This CPU clocks grate, we will try it on RE in the near future
BTW what is a WR on Maximus Formula?
06-29-2009, 06:11 AM
Hey there HANNIBAL
You guys have a great bucnh of over clockers over there, and very nice score with that chip !!
I like that -163c reading :)
You posted pictures of the event over on XS right ?
06-29-2009, 06:18 AM
yap here is the link if someone wants to see the pics:
yes about that -163c, that was quite strange one, when I started checking Cold Bug at firs time, it went up to -159 and cold bugged on that temps, then the cold boot was at -126, but after that when temps went up to -130 it cold bugged, strange yes? And the F1 is not drilled so actually on the firs boot it cold bugged at about -165c, could it be a contact issue with CPU?
06-29-2009, 06:20 AM
Very nice HANNIBAL! Now you just need to throw that on a RE with some DDR3 :D
06-29-2009, 06:26 AM
Could be a contact issue HANNIBAL
I have had chips do many strange things also with cold bugs.
This is what I believe and I have nothing to back it up.
Sometimes the traces for memoy on the back side of the MB can act up when to much force is used to mount the pot or evap and when under extreme cold they do funny things.
Also, again no proof but with talking with many people.
The caps on the MB can do strange things when they get under extreme cold for long periods of time.
Even tho we do our best to insulate our setups there can still get small amounts of moisture under the socket. I know from experiance that when I start getting very strange cold bugs or other wierd things happening, that if I pull off the chip and use a blow dryer right in the socket for 5-10 minutes and reinstall the chip it goes back to normal operation. Now it could be the fact that I remounted the chip, or all the componets on the MB warmed back up, I don't know, but that has helpped me.
I just don't know
But I do know that I can go for days with the same setup and not change a thing and everything is all good. Then sometimes funny things start happening and I feel the need to tear down the setup and start over and that usually fix's the problems.
06-29-2009, 06:31 AM
Very nice HANNIBAL! Now you just need to throw that on a RE with some DDR3
yap our sponsor 3D gave us a Fee for organizing the LP and the RE & Classified is already ordered :D and if the Russia will not strike again we will continue on our progress :D
Great Maximus Formula.If i can recall those mobos had 600FSb max so you got a great one there.Try ln2 on Nb might give you more.
W8ting for RE results.Bravo
06-30-2009, 06:08 AM
Great Maximus Formula.If i can recall those mobos had 600FSb max so you got a great one there.Try ln2 on Nb might give you more.
W8ting for RE results.Bravo
thanks crio, RE will arrive in a few days and I'll try to beat your spi record and go sub 7
07-01-2009, 11:20 AM
That is seriously impressive dude, I can barely get a boot past 525mhz FSB with my MF, upgraded to a RF to try Extreme OC'ing. Seeing this made me want to cry :(...
I also noticed you're using some aftermarket cooling on the NB, I'm assuming you're using others on the SB, Mosfet and all that?
What exactly are you using in that department? Just want to know cause I'd like to do the same on my RF...
07-01-2009, 11:24 AM
Man there are days I miss my E8600. If I were to get another one it would be of the batch you have.
07-03-2009, 11:10 AM
What bios did you use on MF?
07-03-2009, 05:33 PM
Very nice numbers on that E8600! Also I think we all had crazy behavior when under extreme cold. I personally never had a chip or mobo which could take more than -130C.
07-07-2009, 01:44 PM
I like maximus x38 , ı also use my home system:D Very stable mobo:thumbsup:
07-08-2009, 02:08 AM
impresive overclock man.can it be your ram that's holding you back?i can't wait for some RE action!!!
07-09-2009, 12:32 AM
impresive overclock man.can it be your ram that's holding you back?i can't wait for some RE action!!!
NB was holding us back, it needs to be cooled below zero
and yes BTW RE is already here :)
I will bench it this weekend
07-09-2009, 12:42 AM
My georsh, kina looks like my office a couple weeks ago :D
I hope your RE lasts longer then just under two hours (like mine :( )
BEnch! bEncH! BENCH! :eek:
07-09-2009, 01:37 AM
Woow now that is one awesome FSB fot that board ohcrap
07-13-2009, 01:04 AM
sweet results... were you able to bench all the way down at -160 or cold bug?