View Full Version : Mass Dumping Sales?

08-31-2015, 07:42 PM
Is it just me being wierd does it seem like everybody and their uncle is offloading just about every piece of old school hardware they have?

Been seeing sale after sale of semi-old generation and old gen stuff on forums more frequently.

09-01-2015, 12:15 AM
I have not noticed, but have not had a lot of time lately, just hammered at work

it is likely though as the new age of HW Bot is born and hardware boints are not weighted as much

09-01-2015, 12:16 AM
I have not noticed, but have not had a lot of time lately, just hammered at work

it is likely though as the new age of HW Bot is born and hardware boints are not weighted as much

That was my exact tin foil impression. :thumbsup:

09-01-2015, 03:26 AM
yea it bites , here I am with 100+ video cards thinking how much fun I was going to have over the winter

Now will probably sell off as well.

Thinking on a lot of scenarios

1.Quit whining, suck it up and bench when they tell me too and what they tell me to bench (Hitler 1939)

2. Blow off HW Bot all together and sell off benching gear , limp along with an aged gaming rig (economically sound)

3. Sell everything and start with a fresh new gaming build and ROG surround grab Project Cars and brace for Battlefield 5 (Front runner)

4. Find another hobby :shock:

09-01-2015, 08:37 AM
yea it bites , here I am with 100+ video cards thinking how much fun I was going to have over the winter

Now will probably sell off as well.

Thinking on a lot of scenarios

1.Quit whining, suck it up and bench when they tell me too and what they tell me to bench (Hitler 1939)

2. Blow off HW Bot all together and sell off benching gear , limp along with an aged gaming rig (economically sound)

3. Sell everything and start with a fresh new gaming build and ROG surround grab Project Cars and brace for Battlefield 5 (Front runner)

4. Find another hobby :shock:

Dayum Witchy, 100+gpus! hoarder! :)

1. Bench wut you wanna bench when u wanna bench it.

2. Gaming, u should game, yeeup, definitely should game sumtin at some time at least

3. Rog Surround is pure awesomeness when the game u play plays nicely with surround. Theres been a few times that I've said to myself "Self, running SLI 2 or 3 way on a single monitor is much less problematic for a wider variety of games than surround".

Just as an example, ARK: Survival evolved, this game doesn't scale FOV proportionally in surround. Theres workarounds for the INI files but thats just another thing to do. Also, I only get 16fps in Surround, wtf?

Battlefield handles it just fine at 100+ frames. Star citizens not too bad in Alpha state. Hardline. Probably alot of other titles. But there are a few that struggle in 3 monitor. A decent single monitor may be preferable when they up the refresh rates. I'd wait till then and go single screen I think.

BUT! productivity wise, 3 screens is fantabulous to work with. Having so much realestate to throw folders, icons, windows anywhere is cool.

4. Tech in general is the hobby, difficult to escape in any form, overclocking, gaming, setting up your wifi, network, surfing the net, hwbot, mini-challenges.

+5. I've taken a good hard look at the internet of things lately. Facebook and social media sites are finally reaching for the throat of websites and forums by making themselves a one stop shop with groups and forum like areas. Widespread community exodus in favor of FB is evident almost everywhere. Soon FB and other social media sites will capitalize on it and make the bigger bucks by charging for "Pages" and "Groups" or just using them as advertisement spam zones. I predict this will lead to a re-boot sending users back to their old communities. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

In any event, we plan to keep doing mini-overclocking contests mostly centered around a variety of older platforms and recent stuff. Hopefully other overclocking sites keep up the same regardless of the direction hwbot goes in. This will keep our oc community thriving in light of any drastic or damaging changes at the bot. Cuz at the end of the day I still have fun finger blasting bios settings trying to see if I can do better.

09-01-2015, 08:48 AM
over all, the small community overclocking (especially the older hardware) gave me a small jump start, making me remember the old times and making me want to bench again feel the rush i had before life took over.

personally i haven't noticed people dumping hardware yet but please link? (:D) the way i look at it is one man's trash another man's treasure, i like benching random things its a lot of fun.

09-06-2015, 06:54 AM
In any event, we plan to keep doing mini-overclocking contests mostly centered around a variety of older platforms and recent stuff. Hopefully other overclocking sites keep up the same regardless of the direction hwbot goes in. This will keep our oc community thriving in light of any drastic or damaging changes at the bot.
So will we. :good:

PhIlLy ChEeSe
09-07-2015, 06:47 AM
Over clocking seems to have run its course, nothing new that screams to be throttled, even when there is some guy with (insert company logo X) jumps on it puwns da fawk out of it and we are left with the scraps. SB gave me great hopes and I should have neva sold my 2500K as it had clocked to 5600, oh the glory day's!!!
Sorry to be a DEBBIE DOWNER, I spent a TON of hard earned cash with little to no returns. All the glory goes to LOGO X GUY.
End of rant! can i get some free hardware now? :blink:

09-07-2015, 02:06 PM
Over clocking seems to have run its course, nothing new that screams to be throttled, even when there is some guy with (insert company logo X) jumps on it puwns da fawk out of it and we are left with the scraps. SB gave me great hopes and I should have neva sold my 2500K as it had clocked to 5600, oh the glory day's!!!
Sorry to be a DEBBIE DOWNER, I spent a TON of hard earned cash with little to no returns. All the glory goes to LOGO X GUY.
End of rant! can i get some free hardware now? :blink:

I heard that, TONS of cash! Gear, Glory or Fun. We're gonna go with fun for now. Hang in there Phil, its time for roots movement overclocking. Its good to vent.


PhIlLy ChEeSe
03-03-2016, 03:28 PM
I just came by cause at the BOT, Um I have no team? And when I hit the drop down menu, OCA isn't on it? Any one can clue me in? Got a 6700K and a Gigabtye Z170X-SOC FORCE wanna play, ugh scores not beating my 3930K lol.
Hit me up at my Email if need be jaggerwild1999@yahoo, clue me in..........................

03-03-2016, 03:32 PM
I'm still on the team I tried looking for the fourms came up with crap haha

But I have alot of shit in boxes I need to sell as to I'm done overclocking :(

03-03-2016, 04:00 PM

03-03-2016, 11:08 PM
What up Dom ?

PhIlLy ChEeSe
03-04-2016, 03:08 AM
I was wrong, I submitted a 3K score in the 3M lol oh joy fawk im old!

03-04-2016, 03:23 AM
What up Dom ?

NM trying to keep my sanity lol how about yourself

03-04-2016, 09:40 AM
well I gave up benching as well, just doing some gaming on the PC front, other than that getting ready to remodel my master bath and bedroom , work ya know , its a living so to speak
You get fixed yet or the wifey pregnant again .... lol
Hope all is going good in your world.

Looking for a DAC/Amp , anything like that on your shelf ?

good seeing you around

03-04-2016, 10:12 AM
Baby girl #5 Monday "hung:

Okay been laid off twice form two differentjobs in the past yr oilfield went to crap

Going to get my lineman and cdl next month and hope to get a job doing that after I finish the 12 week class :blink:

03-04-2016, 10:13 AM
And no don't have one didn't know what it was had to Google it and now I want one lmao

03-06-2016, 11:16 PM
lmao ...

Congrats man, you are a better man than I
5 girls, just the hot water alone is going to break you as they get older :laughing:

Good to see you around bro :thumbsup:

03-14-2016, 01:41 PM
More periods in that house than on a sheet of newsprint.

Still bopping in to say hi. :Hi: