View Full Version : $4k gaming rig… overclock or not?

02-21-2015, 08:13 PM
I am looking to build a 3D gaming PC. I’d like to replace my entire system (PC, Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse).

My question is would I have a more powerful PC if:
I bought less expensive ram/CPU/GPU and overclocked them with a single stage phase change system
I just bought more expensive hardware with stock cooling?

To anyone who suggests the single stage option would you please list any vendors/individuals who sell them or link to a guide on building one if you have a favorite.

Thanks for any and all input. I appreciate it. Cheers!

02-21-2015, 10:24 PM
The phase change opens up a lot of overclocking potential with certain processors and its effectiveness varies from platform to platform but overall you should reap marked performance over water/air systems.

The only concern with 24/7 phase or short game session phase cooling is the amount of humidity in your area and how well you guard against condensation with your motherboard prep work. In some cases its a careful & tedious process. But if you're up to it, its awesome sauce overclocking.

The other side of the coin is that current hardware offerings are, in my opinion, more than capable of handling today's gaming challenges at a modest hardware level. You can get great performance out of mid-range equipment on air. Thoughtful TIM placement, hardware installation and settings can put you in the zone, UNLESS, you live in Mogadeeshu (HOT).

I'm partial to sub-zero but my 24/7 gamer is all air, two generations old, and still pwning.

As far as vendors, I'm sure someone can point you in the right direction but I've not had the pleasure of picking up a new phase system since acquiring my cascade. That builder no longer builds phase systems afik.

Far as "stock" cooling, nope, invest in a good Air cooler and TIM, not those paltry stock coolers.

Those are my thoughts. BTW, I'm waiting on 2 of 3 Rog Swift 1444p 144mhz monitors to arrive along with a 3rd GTX6804gb card to run surround on. If everything performs well, that just goes to show that hardware is ahead of games atm.

02-22-2015, 07:32 AM
Wow. Thanks for the amazing response Kal-EL. Very helpful.

I've been on a week long binge of sorts looking into overclocking and had come to the same conclusion as your first two paragraphs. The rest of your post basically let me know the best bang for my buck (and way less work) is a more stock approach which is exactly what I was wondering. =D

As far as using the term "stock cooling" I half threw that in there because I thought it might be like nails on a chalkboard to OCers and wanted to test my theory lmao. ATM I'm thinking about a closed loop liquid cooler or a nice air cooler (something like this http://www.noctua.at/inc/imageviewer.php?item=68&pnr=2 (erm but not for $100 which is what newegg had that listed at O.o)) or maybe just going for a quiet system with low db fans.

I was not sure what you meant by TIM. 95% sure you meant Thermal Interface Material. http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=71658 should help me pick a decent compound haha. Anyway thanks again ^_^

02-22-2015, 12:43 PM
Roger dat rubber ducky, kinda had a feeling bout the "stock" thing but decided to err on the side of anti-blasphemy and throw it out there :P.

Water is nice but can be a bitch but its worth the silence n performance, shhhhhh fans.

Good luck brah!

02-22-2015, 01:37 PM
I think phase is a mistake for a 24/7
As Kal states, moister is a problem, and a lot of planning and procedures must be met as not to put your hardware at risk

If you go phase, do yourself a favor and call Ron, he is one of the best in the game and can built to specific needs, you would probably go with a cased unit with a smaller condenser and compressor for gaming duties . 200 to 250 watt's of dissipation


Re-think 3D , while it is way cool, it gives you a headache after a while and cost's you FPS on line

02-22-2015, 07:22 PM
Here’s what I came up with: http://secure.newegg.com/WishList/PublicWishDetail.aspx?WishListNumber=27361266

It's $283 over budget but oh well.

Please let me know if I overlooked something: will have some kind of bottleneck, really skimped, went way overboard on some aspect, am missing some required obvious part (“er the motherboard?” lol), etc.

02-22-2015, 08:05 PM
Looks right, nothin I can poke any holes into from the looks of it. Not familiar with that coolers performance but everything thing looks complete.

All you need now is a desk, gaming headset or surround sound system speakers. oh oh and a chair ;)

02-22-2015, 11:10 PM
The Hero is not worth the money, Look to the z97 OC Fromula

Arguable the best board in the platform

The Reference GPU's will work, but weak nVidia reference power ultimantly

Look at the Classy's, Matrix or AMP cards

The eVGA G2 850 or 1K will work for power , if you plan on really pounding on it go 1K

you can back down to 8GB of RAM for gaming, I also would get off the 3K, look at some 2400 to 2600 two sided stuff, it will out preform the single sided dimm's

3D is cool, but doubt you will get your money's worth out of it, great monitor, but you may consider a 4K screen as well , not 3D, but 100% more pixels ?

the 540 by Corsair and the CM Glacier 240 are both worth a peek

best of luck with your new build





Went over, but some nice perfs


02-23-2015, 01:02 AM
Cool site pcpartpicker site witchy. Nice feedback too. Ditto on the two sided mem sticks for interleaving performance. Oh and OS!

02-23-2015, 01:58 AM
Cool site pcpartpicker site witchy. Nice feedback too. Ditto on the two sided mem sticks for interleaving performance. Oh and OS!

Yea it is awesome, also gets you the best price available as well, at least that is what they say :blink:

OC Maximus
06-16-2015, 11:24 PM
ATM I'm thinking about a closed loop liquid cooler or a nice air cooler (something like this http://www.noctua.at/inc/imageviewer.php?item=68&pnr=2 (erm but not for $100 which is what newegg had that listed at O.o)) or maybe just going for a quiet system with low db fans.

I'm about to disassemble my watercooled rig that's been a solid performer for about 4 years. I feel like it's time for change. Going back to air just for fun. Watercooling components have held up longer than I expected. In the last 4 years I replaced the water 4 times and cleaned waterblocks once. It was a great setup which I'm sure will last another 4 years with a new pump but it's time for something different. Or is this just an excuse for me to build another rig? :taunt:

06-17-2015, 03:05 PM
Or is this just an excuse for me to build another rig? :taunt:

Lmao, sounds like a perfect excuse to build a new rig if you ask me =P.

I ended up going with Cooler Master Glacer 240L and it failed about 2 months in. ~_~ Replaced it with the Corsair Hydro Series H110 and I'm happy with the replacement so far. The reviews for the Corsair were much more promising too so I don't expect any future issues.

06-17-2015, 10:55 PM
hehe, I "accidentally" bought that sm951 m.2 512gb drive. Now I'm "forced" to shop for a compatible motherboard/cpu :P

OC Maximus
06-18-2015, 12:12 AM
Foster the fever!