View Full Version : 7 64bit java Chrome issue's

PhIlLy ChEeSe
10-17-2013, 01:41 AM
The set up,
One of the white sleek Dell units was originally XP OS I upgraded it to 7 64 bit also has Norton 360 JUNK. drivers are good from the dell site. I cant do a reformat as all her I tunes are on it along with photo's.
Three different people use the unit her, her hubby her, and her 80 something year old mom.

BSOD'S while her mom plays bingo luau under Chrome, I found bad caps in the PSU replaced them. I have a feeling this is a JAVA issue.

I need suggested software fixes, does Chrome have issue's in 64 bit mode? Can I run a 32 bit one? OR another browser?
I tried to tell her she needs to buy a new computer but for now its in my hands, she just wants her mom to be able to play Bingo Luau with out BSOD'S. I did notice while in windows the unit has almost 50% of the memory in use at all times(I ran a few bench marks the last time i had it). I know Norton is a huge hog, I told her not to use it but her hubby added it.........

Any suggestions and all will be considered...............


10-17-2013, 04:15 AM
clueless :Dizzy:

10-17-2013, 09:32 AM
Chrome = Virus

It's a beatch to get rid of too

sort of like crabs ,,,, comb it tight and if it don't work cut it off

PhIlLy ChEeSe
10-17-2013, 12:21 PM

OMG your to funny! :thumbsup:

PhIlLy ChEeSe
10-17-2013, 10:24 PM
I'm on the damn thing now, Google chrome like, hate, love it? This unit has tons of Java script errors, under Chrome?
I found something called "quick share" right next to quick time in the ADD/Uninstall. Of course I can not remove it did a search and many add's, so I went to Majorgeeks.com did a search in there and boom they suggestion "HITMAN PRO 64bit", I'm downloading it now. I'll report back.......

10-18-2013, 12:53 AM
wtf i use chrome, u guys said ie was a no non no nom nom nom coooookie monster!

PhIlLy ChEeSe
10-18-2013, 01:07 AM
I know I just always used Fire Fox, everyone uses Chrome. I'f you had not noticed I follow me HAAAA!
OK so, I removed a few bloggly blogs with hitman pro. I had to delete NORTON 3million (Resource hog worse than a X girl friend). Before I removed Norton HOG ware, constant memory ussage around50%, now with this open and another instance of Exploder Plus Defraggler, memory ussage around 33%. Aside from some tidbits hitman found, and removing that quick share. I think we almost have a working PC. She only has 2 gigs of memory with a socket 775 dual core, I upgraded her to 7 64bit it had Vista OEM.
I'm gonna suggest a total memroy upgrade from 2 to 4 gigs and, stick a fork in it I'm done..............:keeporder:

10-18-2013, 03:12 AM
Oh god I despise Norton.

PhIlLy ChEeSe
10-22-2013, 07:06 PM
HELL TO THE YEAH!:morpheus:

Who runs system protection anyway! ;)

PhIlLy ChEeSe
04-07-2016, 01:30 AM
wtf i use chrome, u guys said ie was a no non no nom nom nom coooookie monster!

DEF NO NO NO, its exploder need I say more? :good: