View Full Version : Extreme Overclocking documentary

12-05-2012, 05:52 PM

splave and rom at 4:40 splave at 5:00.

Sorry Rom it is hard to pick you out from the masses, a tall skinny white guy with black hair. (No blondes in the competition WTF?) . splave is a little more outstanding, not as tall as you but muscled and wearing glasses (old fuck!) LOL

Lots of familiar faces I am sure (although, Splave was the only face I really recognized being not skinny, asian or a fat slob). And since smacky talk does not transverse well over the internet, let me point out, my belly is more pendulous than any one there. Especially the Asians. What do those guys live on? I wish I sacrificed food for PC parts. I do I just supplement with liquid bread, Egyptian slave food Boo yah!


EDIT Rom gets a few more shots, and splave and rom together in the awards ceremony.

12-05-2012, 09:26 PM
Bolded parts are to be read, everything else is just me being me. Laugh or be offended. I am in a good mood :)

Watched it all the way through tried to fix teamUSA! appearances, didn't get all of them I am sure.

Nor did I mention anyone else I think I recognize, firstly because they are OCA!!!! secondly cuz I am a total tool, and not really part of the OC community anymore. WhyTF am I posting here instead of Fuckmyass book like the retard I am? Cuz I thought you guys might appreciate some OCA loving in a recent docu. Viewed by dozens of people. Although I did watch it three times because I walked away twice. (that accent is so awful, what it is it? North European, learning English from Mr doolittle and Michael Vick? No offense my English is just as bad, apparently I have a "strong philly" accent.

Whatever that means. I speaky engly? Yo you wanna cheesesteak?

(I do say yo, and sammich (as a joke), never "wanna" except followed by fuck, not something common. I drink wahter not wooder, and fuck you if you don't know what pizza is. Seriously NY pizza sucks. Half crust? WTF? Pizza is about the cheese and the sauce (or gravy if you are a figlio di italiano), mixed cheese? hell yah.

Pats and Genos can argue all they want about "authentic philly chessesteaks. the best steaks ARE NOT made with cheezewhiz just straight old American and are 13th and South at Genarro's served on a soft roll is better than an AC Hard roll. Little salt on your Jersey Tomato, and bam you got youself a sammich. Lettuce if yuou ned it fluffed. And horsey sauce aint bad either. But sammich is greasy enough it dont need sauce.

12-06-2012, 01:56 AM
Rom left Splave right. i Don't know the Asian guy, but i hear his daughter is hot.

12-06-2012, 05:36 AM