View Full Version : Wake me up when September ends.......
PhIlLy ChEeSe
08-27-2012, 02:19 AM
Hey all!
As most know been out of the loop for a few (La Famila First!!), so I was wondering if anyone can give me the readers digest version of whats going on in the "Tick Tock" arena.
I just wanna keep "abreast" of happenings, I dont expect to be back soon. But my only form of internet is my cheap ass droid phone, witch makes cruzing the net hard. Im still living with family or should I say off there good will but now they are more inportant ATM. U neva say no to family!!
I hope you all are well and miss spending time with you all, im still in upstate NY and have a few good job leads. My other cuzin lives alone and is going through some aging issues, so he needed me and I need him.
Any n all help is always accepted, Im not anybody but me. That said I hope to be back in the loop soon if life should see fit...........
Clock on!!!!! And Thank You!!!
08-27-2012, 03:21 AM
Good to hear from you Philly ........... :thumbsup:
Good luck on landing a job ................... Freeloader ................ :laughing:
PhIlLy ChEeSe
08-27-2012, 04:35 AM
Thank You WD!
You gave me all the updates very nice! :)
No one caught the "abreast" comment yet or the prevs r still sleeping....
08-27-2012, 12:58 PM
Thank You WD!
You gave me all the updates very nice! :)
No one caught the "abreast" comment yet or the prevs r still sleeping....
pervs still sleeping... give kiki some time he will see it.
PhIlLy ChEeSe
08-28-2012, 08:39 AM
pervs still sleeping... give kiki some time he will see it.
I see your posting again Punx. Great to see u back in the saddle, I hope your not destroying company stuff!
PhIlLy ChEeSe
08-28-2012, 10:05 AM
Hi Phil :wv:
Wats up Dom!
Now I cant call you a perv :)
08-28-2012, 10:37 AM
I see your posting again Punx. Great to see u back in the saddle, I hope your not destroying company stuff!
haha, when am I not XD
dude I live to overclock.... until the money runs out or they make me have some special permission to get LN2 (I am in california so could happen O.o) I will never stop this shit....
not saying I wont take breaks due to various reasons but I am always lingering and seeing just how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie roll tootsie pop. XD
dammit now I want candy....
08-31-2012, 11:55 AM
pervs still sleeping... give kiki some time he will see it.
hahahaha glad you though of me even when i am not around trolling
good to hear from you phil, :thumbsup:
PhIlLy ChEeSe
09-01-2012, 06:08 AM
hahahaha glad you though of me even when i am not around trolling
good to hear from you phil, :thumbsup:
You too man!
Sorry I missed your call! You can call any time,(same number) Im just not always available......
Glade to see you accept the perve label Haaaaaa:)
09-01-2012, 04:18 PM
so no Ib-e for another year at least? Why do I get suckered into Intel
"x" platforms when they always suck?
Oh maybe they are trying to fix all the issues SB-E and IB has first?
As for AMD, Pile driver is launched in October last I read. Specific platform availability is questionable. I took advantage of the market and sold my Thuban for more than I paid for it BEFORE bulldozer launch, well made much more because I sold it international style :). I traded a $100 mobo for it initially and sold it for $170. :) But such windfalls are rare and more often than not I eat a TON of money. Like right now got a bum x79 board and was told by the buyer "quad channel only works with specific ram". worked in my gigabutt board. So picked up 2 dual channel d9 kits. (Ballistix Sport on sale right now on newegg for, under $25 bucks shipped w00t) and will try them.
Ordering from newegg is like rolling dice though. Not sure if I will have it this wednesday or friday. All depends on the warehouse that shipped and labor day weekend is not going to help. then again I am preaching to the choir except for Kal and OCM :)
PhIlLy ChEeSe
09-02-2012, 10:46 AM
Well its good to hear your still in the game Mancer!
09-06-2012, 03:55 PM
so no Ib-e for another year at least? Why do I get suckered into Intel
"x" platforms when they always suck?
Oh maybe they are trying to fix all the issues SB-E and IB has first?
As for AMD, Pile driver is launched in October last I read. Specific platform availability is questionable. I took advantage of the market and sold my Thuban for more than I paid for it BEFORE bulldozer launch, well made much more because I sold it international style :). I traded a $100 mobo for it initially and sold it for $170. :) But such windfalls are rare and more often than not I eat a TON of money. Like right now got a bum x79 board and was told by the buyer "quad channel only works with specific ram". worked in my gigabutt board. So picked up 2 dual channel d9 kits. (Ballistix Sport on sale right now on newegg for, under $25 bucks shipped w00t) and will try them.
Ordering from newegg is like rolling dice though. Not sure if I will have it this wednesday or friday. All depends on the warehouse that shipped and labor day weekend is not going to help. then again I am preaching to the choir except for Kal and OCM :)
Amazon Prime the only way to go :)
PhIlLy ChEeSe
09-19-2012, 01:40 AM
Well, I have moved for work. So im now located in the Chicago/Addison Il. Area anyone in the neighborhood feel free to look me up/message me......
Thank you!